acts 1 & 2.

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i hate it.
i despise it actually.
the little black hole
that fills my stomach
when i pass a mirror,
or something that reflects.
its not the void i was
hoping for.
but for now i
live with it.
it serves as a pothole
on my road to growing.
as i said before,
im the road less traveled.
i try ceasing this.
i try taking a step back
but i just fall back
into it.
i don't talk much about my emotions.
because i feel again, stupid.
i don't know why i became like this
or how to keep this black hole filled.
but it must have started
once i turned eight,
and i knew what a lie was.
when i found out all
family secrets
and what i originally was
suppose to be.

to some i'm a beating heart,
to others, money.
two stories, i was pulled
to different sides by people
i loved very much.
and no, not two parents.
but a father and a son.
my father and his father.
one long gone,
we all reget the fighting.
we are all falling apart.
look at what you did.
i'm angry,
but can't stay mad forever.

- zmh

the ruins of me Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora