Epilogue // Tyler

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A lot of months later

Pórsmörk, Iceland

I raise my head slowly, my face soaking wet. Chills run down my spine when I hear a horse coming closer and closer to me, its hooves splashing the water with such intensity the sound they make is almost hypnotizing.

When the animal is close enough, I catch a glimpse of its rider: the man I have been running away from, his bulky appearance covering the weak sunlight above us.


"And CUT!" I hear a voice behind me. "Great job, everybody, let's take a break." I hear Andrew, our director, heading towards me. "TYLER! How are you feeling?"

I sit down with an effort, my green trench coat (also) soaking wet. "Great."

The man who plays Nico leaves the horses's back with an elegant leap and his feet splash the water. I give him a thumbs-up and I think he smiles back, but I'm not sure because the veil he's wearing covers up all his expressions. Around me, the camera men drag the equipment out of the river and head towards a table which contains food and other things that probably are just frozen (seriously what's up with this cold weather?).

We have been shooting this music video for days, but the planning took us way more time - I basically know this thing by heart now - so a break is more than enough. We still need to shoot three more videos, and I'm not sure how much patience Andrew has left.

As I stand up, I inhale deeply, trembling at the sight of the cold wind. The song Jumpsuit alone is already a masterpiece, but with this music video I'm pretty sure is going to be exquisite. Gosh, I still love that word.

Andrew leans over the storyboard and eyes it with caution. "This is amazing. We only need to shoot one more thing and it's done. What do you think of it so far, Tyler?"

I shrug. "Just as I pictured it."

Andrew smiles proudly. The crew told me he has collaborated with us before in two occasions (occasions which I sadly don't remember very well), and when they explained to him I had amnesia he just stared at me, his mouth open.

"Be careful with him." Mark had told him. "Don't break him more than he is already."

"Nah, he's not broken." He had said. "That's the same old Tyler I know."

Now we get along pretty well.

"You guys still have energy left?" Andrew raises his voice to the rest of the crew and places his elbow on my shoulder. "We still need to finish the BTS."

Someone squeaks out of nowhere. "You're inviting the k-pop group over? HOLY SHIT!"

"The behind-the-scenes, you dumb-dumb." Andrew laughs and faces me. "This happens all the time, don't worry."

I smirk at him and he pats my shoulder. After he leaves I head towards the table and check out what non-frozen edibles are in it. I grab an apple and rub it between my hands, and that's when I see a group of people walking down a small hill, all of them wearing yellow bandages.

Ah, my Banditos.

I try to spin the apple with my finger with the purpose of impressing them, but I fail miserably. One of the Banditos laughs out loud and runs towards me, and when she's close enough she throws herself into my arms and kisses me.

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