Chapter Four

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hey y'all! here's a new update bc I've been terrible and haven't updated in a bit! by the way, harry and louis will be dating within the next chapter! enjoy :)

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with 1D, their friends, family, or management in any way. any similarities to a particular event or situation are purely coincidental.


*General POV*

It had been six weeks since Zayn Malik's summer kickoff party, and Harry and Louis had begun to spend more time together as the days passed.

For Louis, it was like a complete dream. He still found it hard to believe that Harry Styles was choosing him over people like Heather Banks.

Harry didn't mind being with Louis at all. Each day his feelings for the boy grew stronger and he couldn't shake them. He wondered if Louis felt the same way and if he'd ever work up the courage to tell him how he felt.

Great minds think alike, of course, so Louis was basically on the same mind track as the boy he'd come to know and fall harder for over the summer. He wondered if Harry had any clue that he was in love with him, and if he could ever be honest and admit it to the curly haired boy.

The night of the party, they had stayed together, listening to artists like The Beatles and Queen, singing their hearts out and just enjoying each other's company. Louis found it strange that Harry actually liked having him around, but it looked as if everything was changing this summer.

Louis had eventually decided to leave the party around two in the morning, something he would've never done, but because he was distracted with Harry, it just kind of happened.

He had to carry a drunk and giggly Amy back to the car, listening to his best friend babble about her fun night. She was missing her shoes and squirmed furiously in his arms like a child as she talked.

"I..I, I kisssseeedd Jade Thirrrwaaallll," she sang, hiccupping afterwards. "We played truth or daaaarrrreeee, he he!"

Louis had just shook his head, chuckling, glad that she had ditched the book and lived a little, too.

"Well, guess what? I hung out with Harry Styles! He actually talked to me!" he'd said happily, a small blush creeping on his face.

"NO WAAAYY," Amy said, eyes wide.

He smiled warmly. "Yeah. I did it."

"Well, Tommmmooo, I knew it'd twerk," she said hazily, hugging him.

He just chuckled and hugged back, looking up at the night sky and thanking whoever was up there for the best night of his life.


*Harry's POV*

Ever since Zayn's party, I hadn't been able to get Louis Tomlinson off of my mind. He was absolutely perfect to me.

We'd been hanging out a lot since that day, and I found it quite enjoyable. It was like, around Lou, I could actually be myself and feel happy.

I knew my feelings for him weren't going to go away, and if I'm being honest I didn't really want them to. So after a few weeks of getting to know him better, I decided it was time.

I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend.

To most people, this choice would sound rushed, but I'd once heard that when you feel something is right, you should just go for it.

Being with him felt right. I was having the time of my life doing things like swimming in the lake late at night, going to the drive in theatre to watch old movies, babysitting his little sisters with him, and fantasizing about the day where I could finally kiss those beautiful lips.

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