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Written by: Cliffordcondoms

Calum is squealing down the lanes of videos and comic books in delight as his fingers skimmed each display. Luke only followed him from a distance, not wanting to be seen by the big ass dork that is Calum Hood.

"Oh shit." Calum gasps when his eyes come across one of the Marvel comics. He lifts it up in the air, his mouth wide open as he flicks the title. "Can you believe this?! I bought this exact copy last week but now they added stickers and magnets. Bullshit man, this is bullshit."

Luke sighs and shakes his head at Calum. "You're so childish sometimes. Are you seriously going to buy it because you want the stickers?"

"Yes." Calum nods. "I am."

"But you already have-"

"But I don't have the stickers now do I?" Calum interrupts with a smirk. Luke rolls his eyes and snatches the comic book away from Calum. He skims the pages until he comes across the stickers and hands it back to Calum.

"Is it really worth it? Seven dollars for a page of stickers and two magnets?" Luke asked. Calum nodded with a large grin as he took in every detail of the stickers before grabbing a different comic book. "Are you just going to look through every book?" Luke groaned at his friend and banged his head on the shelf in defeat.

Calum nodded vigorously as he grabbed a third comic. "You might as well do that too," Calum says and directs his gaze towards the windows, the small flakes of snow falling from the sky increased the past couple of minutes. "because I don't feel like walking home in the snow."

Luke groans and waves his friend off before walking away to the dvd section, leaving Calum alone in the comic book section. Calum only shrugged, not really minding being alone.

A few minutes passed by and Calum was still engrossed with the same comic book, rereading it over and over again. He heard footsteps and assumed that it was Luke so he turned around with a large smile and pointed to a specific section in the book. "Look, Spider-Man just beat Sandman's ass-"

"What're you doin' here, wall-crawler!" A pale boy interrupts in Flint Marko's voice, making Calum's eyes widen. The footsteps didn't belong to Luke, they belonged to the tall lad in front of him with crazy colored hair.

"I-I'm sorry; you're not Luke." Calum chuckles nervously. His fingers fumbled with the comic as he set it back on the shelf and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It's alright." The boy smiles. "I'm sorry for scaring you?"

Calum straightens up at the strangers words and shakes his head. "Oh no! Not at all- you didn't scare me. I was just a bit taken back, that's all."

The other boys nods and grabs the comic book Calum previously held. Calum was about to tell the boy that he was hoping to get that until he handed it back to Calum. "Take it. It's on me."

"O-Oh God no it's okay... I... I have money." Calum stuttered out. He reached for his wallet and took a wad of cash out before pressing it against the nice bloke's chest. As the guy took the money, Calum noticed a name tag on his navy-blue polo. Michael, He read.

"This is a lot more than what the comic costs." Michael chuckled as he waves the three twenty's up in the air, making Calum blush.

"How about I pay for the comic and then with whatever is left, I take you out for dinner? When do you get out, Michael?" Calum asked confidently. He switched his stance so he was standing straight and facing Michael, who now looked a few inches shorter than him.

Michael's cheeks heated at Calum's preposition and tucked in the money into his pocket, accepting his request. "Deal." He smiles. "But I'm going to have to call off the plans with my friend though. I get off at two."

"Oh" Calum frowns. "You don't have to switch plans... It's... It's cool."

Michael rolls his eyes and chuckles at Calum. "He'll understand. Pick me up quarter after?"

"Quarter after what? A nickel? A dime?" Calum asks. He's never heard that phrase before and he's feeling confused on what Michael has said. It doesn't even sound like a full sentence.

Michael giggles adorably, his eyes squeezing shut and he crinkles his nose in amusement. "Quarter past two -- 2:15."

Calum groans, feeling embarrassed by his lack of knowledge but simply nods as he pulls his phone out. "I'm sorry. God, I'm so stupid sometimes. Here, take my phone so you can type in your name; I don't want to mess that up either." He jokes once Michael's done laughing and hands him his iPhone.

"I think you're hilarious." Michael says, looking up from Calum's phone and sends him a kind smile before typing away on his phone again.

Calum simply stared at his new friend, infatuated by how green his eyes are or the way that his messy hair falls into place perfectly. He makes him feel warm and giddy in the inside, something he hasn't felt in so long.

"Here ya go, mate." Michael says kindly and hands Calum his phone back, his Australian accent more prominent. Calum looks down at his phone and noticed Michael put in his name as Clifford, which he assumed, is his last name. "Excuse me but, before you leave, I want to know your name?" Michael asks Calum, catching his bicep once he started walking away.

Calum turns around and sends Michael a flirty smile. "Hood. Calum hood."

"Calum." Michael repeats. He catches himself smiling at the raven-haired boys name and nods. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Michael." Calum replies, waving at Michael as he finally left his side in search for Luke to tell him what just happened.



I live and breathe for Malum guys

I just want to thank Kaetlyn for letting my inner nerd and Malum shipper come out in this chapter


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