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Calum doesn't really leave their home after their date, and Luke doesn't really push him to go out. He thinks he'll get over it because it's kind of stupid and it's Calum and he will.

He finally decides after much internal debate, that he'll go back to the coffee shop. Definently not to see Ashton, (but you already knew that). So he grabs a coat and heads out after a quick shout to Calum. He wraps a coat around himself tightly and walks out the door. He's already half way to the shop when he realizes that it's snowing and he's wearing his reading glasses still.

He walks into the shop and is greeted immediately by Sarah who was wiping down the counters with a rag.

He takes a seat and looks around the shop for a certain hazel eyed boy, but to no avail does not see him. He takes in a deep breath and savors the warmth provided to him as Sarah shows up with his regular and sets it down in front of him.

"He should be here in about ten minutes." She winks as she walks away. Luke mentally sighs in relief and sits back in his chair as he sips his coffee. His eyes constantly flicker towards the door, anticipating his arrival. The bell chimes as the door is opened, but it's not Ashton.

The boy walks to the front counter and orders and then turns around and sees the blonde, his eyes widen.

"You're that guy that was with Calum at the comic shop right?" He asks in a rush. The younger boy nods slowly, not sure at what he's getting at. "Have you seen him lately?" Michael pulls out the chair and sits down in front of the blond and folds his hands in front of him urgently.

"Yeah." Luke answers softly with a shrug.

"He isn't answering my calls or anything." He complains, running his fingers through his hair with a sigh.

"Maybe you should go talk to him." Luke suggests, tasting the coffee on his lips again as his eyes scan the shop once more. Michael looks at the blond like he's an idiot because he obviously just explained to him that he couldn't because he isn't answering his texts or calls. "Look Michelle, you dropped him off at his apartment so why don't you just go there?" Luke pesters, sipping at his mug and impatiently waiting for Ashton to get his ass to the damn coffee shop.

"But I forgot where it was and I just want to talk to him. Will you take me there? Please?" Michael begs. Luke really really doesn't want to take him back to where he lives, mostly because he wants to see Ashton because Ashton is life and Ashton is bae.

But he decides to anyway because he's just the nicest friend ever. "Okay fine let's go." Luke sighs and stands from his seat to leave, but goes to the counter first to talk to Sarah.

"Hey Luke." She sings, "I like your glasses." She hums, not looking up at him.

"Thanks. Um I'll be gone for like thirty minutes. I'll be back." He promises and leaves before another word was spoken. The two walk in silence for the longest time until Luke speaks up.

"Why do you wanna talk to Calum?" He asks, dragging his feet on the sidewalk gently.

"Cause we went on a date and we both agreed that we would go again and I just, I kind of miss him.."


They get to the apartment and Luke leads him up and in the door.

"Luke, you bought the wrong grasped how do you expect me to eat green gra-" Calum was standing with the fridge open in just his boxers when he saw Michael in his home.

"Uh, hi, er Calum." Michael greets, trying very hard not to check him out or get an erection because damn.

"Michael I need to talk to you real quick." Luke motions him over to the next room, clutching his to go coffee cup in his hand with a mischievous smile. They walk in the next room and Luke pretends to trip and "accidentally" spills his coffee all over Michael's front side.

"Luke! What the hell!?"

"Oh darnit. Give me your shirt, and oh look it's on your pants too give me those." The taller boy practically rips Michael's shirt off his body and the older just stares at him.

Deciding that there's no way that he's getting the pants off him, Luke shoves him out to join Calum.

"You too have fun! Use protection!" And with that, Luke leaves, taking the shorter boy's shirt with him and heads back to the coffee shop.

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