T w e ł ve

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Written by: lashtongiggles aye

"Why is there food all over the kitchen?" Calum shrieks once he finally gets up wearing only a pair of low low low sweatpants. Michael and Ashton had both left by now and Luke was still sleeping on the couch, he doesn't want to wake from the best sleep he's had in a long time.

Luke groans and rolls over, landing with a loud thud on the ground. He groans and presses his warm forehead to the cool ground and sighs in relief. His head feels like it's going to explode, the pounding is erratic and his nose is just stuffed. His throat is raw and scratchy and wow he's hot and cold at the same time. He coughs loudly, a deep heart lurching cough as he curls into a ball on the floor.

"Luke, are you okay?" he sees tan feet walking closer to him and then he's bending down and a cool hand is on his back.

"Your hands are cold." he murmurs and just by the sound of his voice Calum can tell that his friend is ill. "feels good."

"Lukeyy." Calum whines quietly, wrapping a pale arm around his neck and hoisting him back onto the couch. He can see his sweat dripping off his forehead and glimmering in the morning sun and the large stains around his arm pits made it obvious that he's sweaty, he's tired, and he's cold all at once. "C'mon. You're sick." He sighs and again helps the boy up and attempts to carry him to his room. "Luuuuke." the Kiwi boy groans when the blond makes no attempt to help himself walk to his room.

He tries to help, really he does, but his knees are jello and he finds it impossible to stay on his feet.

"'M sorry, Cal." he grumbles, his eyelids are lazy and don't want to stay open and then finally he's thrown on his bed. "I love you, Callyy." he sings as his door is being pushed closed.

"Love you too, Luke. Get some rest. I'll go by that stupid coffee shop and get you a hot chocolate or something for later." and before the blond replies the door is closed and he's left alone with his tv and bed.

He climbs under the blankets and turns on the television, watching whatever is on for a while. Suddenly his tv turns black and he's confused on why it's not working until he realizes that the power has definently gone out. He groans and then hears his door knob turn again and sees Calum.

"Hi-um- the power went out and yeah you probably already realized that so I'm going out to get some soup and stuff for you. Here's a movie player and some movies" he walks up with a small television in his hands along with some disks and puts them on the blond's bed side table. "I'll be right back." and the door closes again.

Calum pulls on a few coats and walks out of the apartment with a couple of notes in his pocket as he makes his way into town to get a few things for Luke. He walks passed the comic shop and sees the newly dyed lilac hair (that couldn't belong to any other boy in all honesty) and almost goes inside but he knew if he did that he'd get distracted and not get anything for Luke. So he continues on down the icey path until he finally reaches the warm smell of Breathe Me, which he ends up passing too. He heads towards the grocery store, deciding to stop by the shop on the way back.

When he arrives, he picks up some cough drops, saltine crackers, and some condoms because you never know(wink wink). As he walks through the fruit isle to get to the check out line he sees someone he never thought he'd see ever again.

He tries to hurry passed the woman, but his strange behavior must have bought him some attention.

"Calum?" she speaks, her voice high and squealy making him visibly cringe.

"Um hi." he mutters in defeat as he sets his basket on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! How've you been! I've missed you so much! Where's Luke? How's he? Is he okay? Is he single? Why aren't you answering any of my questions?" she flips her brown hair over her shoulder and rapidly blinks her fake eyelashes and he swears that if she blinks any faster they may fall off.

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