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Written by: cliffordcondoms (no dis is Patrick)

Luke stirred in his sleep, the unfamiliar feeling of a body next to him long gone. He was cold once again; ever so slightly shivering whilst the aroma of freshly baked banana bread and spaghetti filled his small apartment. He kicked off his shoes, not really seeing the reason as to why he still had them on; after all, he's in a peaceful slumber that he wishes not to be awaken from. Not even the moderately loud 'clunk' from his shoes coule have awaken him.

Ashton, on the other hand, jumped from the loud thud emanating from the living room-- causing for him to drop one of the empty plates he previously held. The plate shattered, sending its dangerous, sharp shards all across the kitchen floor. Ashton panicked and instantly bent down to pick up the pieces. He knew he'd later have to explain to Luke his embarrassing accident but he'd rather get away with him not noticing them than him having to.

"C-cal?" Luke snored out from the couch. His head was pressed against the cusion as he draped an arm over the back of the couch, slightly waking up from the loud shatter. "What was that?"

Ashton ran a hand through his hair, contemplating on what to do. " I... it's Ashton, Luke. I accidently dropped a plate. Please don't be mad?"


Ashton gasped and turned his attention to the hallway where a naked teen around his age appeared with a febreze bottle in hand, waving it around as a threat towards Ashton.

"Ah! Mate, cover up!" Ashton groaned. His hands automatically went to his glasses, pushing them up towards the top of his head to cover his eyes away from the naked, red haired boy; Michael.

Michael sprayed Ashton slightly, not recognizing him instantly until he heard the familiar squeal. "Oh, it's just you." He sighed in relief. "you make shitty coffee by the way-"

"Hey!" Ashton groaned. "I just started-"

Michael shrugged. "That's not the point. What are you doing in my boyfriend's house and why are you all up his oven; thinking you can put your loaf in it. That's my job!"

Ashton doesn't know if this guy is being serious or if he's being plain out stupid. He wishes he could be mad and pretend to be offended but all he can honestly muster out is laughter. Michael lowered the febreze bottle and soon joined Ashton in laughter as well; what he said was pretty stupid, he admitted.

"Ok," Michael chuckled. "But seriously why are you here?"

"I'm with Luke..." Ashton answered awkwardly. He stood up from where he was croutched down on the ground and nodded towards a still sleeping Luke. When he turned back to Michael, he tried as hard as he could to keep his attention towards the pale boy but would occasionally glance down in curiousity. You can't really blame him; you'd do the same.

"Ah," Michael interjected in understanding. He smirked at Ashton when he caught him staring and stretched out his hand to properly meet the brunette. "I'm Michael Clifford, Calum Hood's boyfriend." Ashton only stared at Michael's hand, unsure if he should shake it or not.

"What?" Michael questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he brought his hand to his nose, giving it a whiff before cringing slightly at the smell and extending it once more for Ashton. "Don't worry I didn't use this hand to get Cal off. Or myself if that's what you're wondering."

"How do I know you're not lying?" Ashton inquired. He took Michael's hand and gave it a firm shake anyway. "Ashton Irwin; Luke and Calum's friend."

"You don't. " Michael winked, making Ashton instantly pull his hand away with a squeal and started rubbing his hand against the couch. He isnt sure of what he's trying to get rid of but its the effort that counts, right?

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