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Written By: Stephanie Cliffordcondoms

Luke walked down the icy pavement with his head hung down as he struggled to text Calum and carry the groceries with the other. If he would've gotten the bike Calum suggested, he wouldn't be having this problem.

But that's actually the smallest problem he has. He's also forgotten that he had given Calum the keys and he knows that Calum will not open the door for him, no matter what.

"Fucking answer," The blonde mutters to himself as he neared their apartment building. The thick flakes wafting through the air only caused his mood to worsen. He was on the verge of tears from both frustration and guilt that he felt like he should throw these bags on the ground and just leave them there as he cried in the shed.

But before he could do so, he felt a warm hand ontop of his, making him jump at the sudden contact and drop the multiple plastic bags.

"I-I'm sorry for scaring you..." The nervous voice belonging to a man says before Luke could reach for the bags. "Here, let me help you."

The blonde's eye's lit up in gratitude when the kind stranger handed him the bags but his smile soon dropped when he noticed it was Ashton. "Leave me alone-"

"Luke, please, we need to talk." Ashton pleaded, his hand gripping Luke's arm.

The blonde only whimpered under his touch and tried to squirm out it. "You're hurting me, please. Whatever excuse you have, I don't want to hear it. You had your chance."

Ashton sighed as he released Luke's arm and covered his face in shame. He knew he should be the one apologizing to Luke and explaining how he truly feels but there's no way he'll believe him after all this time.

He misses the warm touch and scent that he defused in his home, his blue eyes that inspired most of his work and their cuddles.

He misses Luke.

"Please?" He begged as he kicked aside the groceries and pulled the younger boy towards him until he could wrap his arms around his waist. "Luke, I miss you and I don't want that stupid kiss to interfere with what we had before, okay? We were drunk... and... we kissed, well, we did more than just kiss," he blushes. "But that's not the point. I know I lied to you and I'm really fucking sorry. I just- I just didn't want you to be upset that I took advantage of you for being drunk. But then in the morning you kissed me and I was so in shock because I honestly didn't expect it, especially because of what happened before."

"I wasn't in shock because of you kissing me but from pure bliss. You left before I could explain to you how I truly feel, Lukey. I texted you and... and called you but you sort of just dodged them. At one point, I even recieved a text from Calum saying how he's willing to kick me in the throat whenever he sees me next. So to be honest, I'm quite frightened."

"Yeah," Luke chuckled. "That's something Calum would say."

The older boy frowns at Luke's attempt to change the subject and furrows his eyebrows. "Can we go back?"

"To where?"

"To how it used to be." Ashton replies, earning a reluctant shrug from Luke.

He did miss how it used to be. His mind would flicker back and forth to all the moments the two boys shared. He still remembers how if first felt when he saw Ashton. He was flabbergasted and amazed by the beauty Ashton emanated from the inside and out.

Luke couldn't help but bring his hand down to the shorter bloke's face and started tracing his facial features with the pads of his fingers lightly, beginning with his lips.

His lips were the softest pair he ever came in contact with. When words couldn't find the way to express his emotions, his lips would. Luke would notice that when Ashton felt flirtly, he tended to play with his lips a lot. When he's nervous, he'd suck them in just like he was at the moment. But it wasn't until Luke placed his fingers upon them that he released the puffy tissue.

Next, he moved to his cheeks where he poked where his dimples would appear, causing Ashton to smile slightly and make his dimples palpable for Luke to touch. But Ashton didn't need to smile for them to show. Whenever Ashton helped his peer play the flute, the small dents were evident. Or even when they had footie tournaments he would blow into the whistle; which, of course, caused them to come out.

Ashton observed Luke's facial expressions as the younger lad moved his hands up to the corner of his eyes and felt the wrinkled skin. He first smiled with softened features that soon turned onto ones of awe with furrowed eyebrows and an agaped mouth. Ashton wasn't sure as to what Luke was doing but he didn't care. It relaxed him knowing that he wasn't rejecting his offer so far. He's just happy to be holding him in his arms once again but wouldn't mind having his lips against him.

Lastly, Luke brought boths hands onto Ashton's hair. He first untied his bandana but before Ashton could protest, he pecked his lips and ran his fingers through the brunette's locks to stop him. "This is the same bandana I handed you the first day we met."

"Y-yeah." Ashton stuttered as he recovered from the simple, yet effective, kiss. He looked down at the clothing and tried to hold back a smile. That isn't the bandana he wore when they first met. This bandana is purple but he didn't dare ruin the moment. However, he'll continue to tease Luke about it later. "Y-you kissed me."

"Yeah," Luke nods. "I did. But you didn't-"

Before Luke could finish, the older boy gripped Luke's head and peppered small kisses all around his face, avoiding his lips until the very end where he slowly leaned in and captured them in his.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" Ashton asks after pulling away from Luke, his arms still wrapped around the boy.

"I don't want it to be how it used to be before." Luke admits with a blush. He knew that what he was about to say was very risky; but with all the adrenaline running through his veins, he didn't care.

"Maybe... maybe I want to be more."

- - -


I'M BAck

More insane than ever (quite literally) but I'm back and ready to roll with a regular updating schedule (I hope)

Show Kaetlyn and I some love by voting and commenting bc this is getting good :>

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