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The soft, warm rays emanating through the thin curtain made Ashton stir in his sleep. He scrunched his nose up and brought the covers over his face in hopes to get a few more precious minutes of sleep. But it was of no use, the brunette was already wide awake by the time he tried closing his eyes once again.

Ashton groaned, tossing the covers away from his face as he spectated his small apartment. He disliked the color at this time of year, a creamy white that simply blended in with the monotonous color of the falling flakes outside and the plain sheets on his bed. It was simply too white for him. He needed color; something spontaneous such as reds, greens, or blues. Something to reflect his personality and thoughts even when he couldn't express them on his own. But that's for another time, he thinks as he reaches for his phone from the bedside table and runs a hand through his messy curls before burying himself under the covers once again.

Scrolling through his social media, he notices his inbox full of messages; some from Sarah, other from his professors but one particular name caught his attention: Luke's. He taps on his icon without hesitating and sits up on his bed until the sheets only covered his bare lap.

Lukey: I'm not feeling too well

Lukey: and Cal left me a while ago. I'm not sure where he is but I'm guessing he's with mike so I'm all alone :'(

Lukey: cheer me up?

Lukey: oh gosh, it's 6 am in a sunday. Ur probably asleep. Oopsie

Ashton smiled at the texts and couldn't help but think about how Luke would crinkle his nose while mustering out an 'oopsie', a slight blush evident in his eyes as he bowed his head down to glance at his pigeon - toed feet. The black screen of his iPhone brought him back to reality as he pulled out his keyboard to reply--all while in the process of crawling out of bed and slipping on a hoodie.

Ash♡: I'll be there in 10. Keep the door unlocked for me xx

And with that, he was out of his small apartment, his key stuffed into his back pocket as he began counting the cash in his wallet.


Luke coughed, his whole body aching and rattling from the powerful action that caused his throat to feel as if it were being shredded to pieces. He doesn't know how he got so sick or how he caught it. It surely can't be from the weather, the coldness isn't what gets you sick and he knows it. Perhaps he caught it somewhere out in the streets since he's been out and about this past week.

Luke doesn't really even want to think about the sickness. Having it is bad enough and the tissues that now surrounded his messy bed have become his best friends; they've been there when he needed them and they continue to keep him company. Yes, it's a weird analogy; trust me, he knows, but the only contacts on his phone are Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Sarah. Knowing that he's always out of his apartment, he would've assumed that he'd have lots of friends but apparently that's not the case. Is he really that bad looking?

Luke shook his head and blew his nose into the last tissue of the box, frowning during the process since he'll have to use toilet paper now. And to make matters worse, a loud knock pattern echoed throughout his empty apartment, making Luke groan and roll his eyes.

"You can't be fucking kidding me..." He groaned to himself as he wrapped the covers around his head and swung his legs over the bed. "Coming..." He shouted in between coughs.

"I thought you'd leave the door unlocked like I asked you too." A familiar voice spoke loudly from behind the door. Luke piped up at the sound of his voice and quickly scrambled to his feet to reach for the remote and switch the tv off. He really doesn't want Ashton to think he's a freak because he's watching Veggie Tales. "I brought us Chinese and some films from the video store or whatever it is. They sell comics too so I'm really not sure what it is? Oh! But in the bright side I ran into Michael and he recommended some films. What a nice bloke."

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