We'll Protect Them

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"I think we should take the boys out of the house," Alfred suggested as Barry and Bruce sat in the cave working.

Bruce rose an eyebrow, "They've been enjoying reading the last couple days..."

Alfred interrupted, "I'm afraid young Master Dick has read every book in the library and Mister Wallace has resorted to eating all of the food in the kitchen. Perhaps after years in captivity, some outdoors would do them some good. Perhaps a tour of the city?" Barry smiled brightly at the idea, already running ideas through his head, while Bruce seemed indifferent yet skeptical.

"Perhaps it is dangerous to..." Bruce began but Alfred sent him a look. Of course Alfred was right. Can't be too dangerous out on the town with both Batman and the Flash there. Even in civilian forms if they were attacked it wouldn't be too shocking for them to knock out a couple thugs. "Alright. We'll protect them. We will take them on a tour of the city," Bruce decided as Barry vibrated with glee.

They made their way back upstairs, the three of them, and found Dick and Wally in Dick's room. Neither appeared to have gotten used to the size of the rooms yet. "Hello Dick, Wally. How would you two like to go see the city with us?" Bruce asked. Wally's eyes lit up immediately in excitement but Dick seemed less enthused. When the three adults headed downstairs to grab anything they might need, Dick and Wally, who didn't have anything to grab, waited a moment before following. 

"You know how dangerous the city is," Dick hissed. "Yeah but we'll be okay," Wally said with a shrug. "But what about them?" Dick asked gesturing his head towards the door. Wally shrugged, "They've probably lived here for a while. I doubt they've never been outside. Besides, if there is a danger, we'll protect them." 

Author Note: Please tell me what you think! I hope everyone likes it and I'm sorry it is so short.

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