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After another round of questioning from the police, my parents drove me to their house and we parted ways with Russ and his girlfriend who's name I still didn't know.

I felt totally fine until I stepped out of the car. It was like stepping onto a lit stage with millions of onlookers that watch from the shadows.

"Come on in, kid. I'll make you some dinner while your mom gets your room ready."

"Okay, sure dad." I shut the door behind me, watched them go inside, and gave the street a good look.

My mother always said paranoia ran in the family, but I was beginning to fear a life with schizophrenia. Am I turning into a crazy?

Giving up, I entered the house and joined my dad in the kitchen.

He looked up from the fridge. "What sounds good?"


He chuckled. "You always were a little glutton. I'll make you a sandwich. Turkey okay?"

"Sounds good." I slid into the stool at the island.

"You're gonna have to be more careful out in the world, kid. Your mom and I worry about ya."

"Oh, I'll be fine dad. It was one in a million. Just unlucky."

He started to chop some tomatoes. "There are lots of psychos out there.  Today was only one in a million."

"I'll be careful," I said, scowling. I was successful in resisting the temptation to roll my eyes, but a snarky thought made it in. Beginning to regret this decision.

He turned with a plate and slid my sandwich in front of me. "Enjoy. I'm going to go help your mother."

"Sure dad."

He left the kitchen with all the sandwich stuff sitting out on the counter. I stifled a laugh. Same old dad. Makes a mess and leaves it for mom to clean up. I grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite. It was spectacular.

Oh! The turkey and tomatoes, delicious mayonnaise, crisp lettuce and—

Let me out.

I stopped mid-chew, food falling from my open mouth. What?

The voice didn't come again no matter how long I stared down at my sandwich.

Swallowing what food remained in my mouth, I decided I was a little less hungry than I was before. I dropped the sandwich on the plate and darted out of the kitchen and up the stairs.


"In here honey!" she called from my old room.

I clamored through the doorway, goosebumps rising up my arms. Looking over my shoulder, I eased into the door frame and faked a smile. "Found ya."

"What's wrong?" Dad asked.

"Nothing. Just got scared downstairs. I feel better up here."

Mom and dad exchanged a look.

"Are you going to be okay tonight, honey?" Mom asked.

"Oh yeah," I said, waving a hand. "But will you sleep with your door open?"

"Oh ... Sure. We can do that."

"Thanks mom."

They left me soon after. I went to sleep with ease, tired from a long, creepy day.

But the real suffering had only just begun...

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