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My dream was so dream-like that I knew I was in a dream the moment it began.

I was in a room, a round-ish room too dark to see anything but a beacon of light that shimmered down from above. It was translucent, and at its core was a silvery, swirling essence.

I moved closer to see a series of marks on the floor made of what I could only guess was blood. They were creepy marks, something old and evil, but I felt drawn to them.

The silver essence expanded and formed into a shape, taking a human form. Their face became clear and I was staring at myself. My clone. She raged against the beacon, trying to claw herself to freedom.

"Let me out!" she yelled so loud I had to shrink away from her.

I tried to turn and run but the light exploded and carved through me. I screamed as I fell, face hitting the stone hard.  It tore away my flesh and everything to the bones and as the light danced around the room, my clone walked into my vision. She smirked in passing.

The light dragged me into the center and somehow I knew I was trapped.

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