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When I got home from the church, I went right to the bathroom and emptied my stomach. Afterwards I sat in a daze beside the toilet, not really sure if I believed the priest. A big part of me wondered if he was wrong, but I had no rational argument for everything I felt and saw in the last couple of days. 

Accepting the situation was the only rational answer I could give myself for peace of mind. I didn't know how it had happened, but I did know that I had a demon inside me. I also knew that in a matter of days, I would face it.

But then the most terrifying thought crossed my mind, and it wasn't that I might die. I realized that I might die a twenty-eight year old virgin. 

My stomach sunk. I gave all my fun up for college and a demon is what I have to show for it. 

A knock came from the door seconds before it opened. Mom stepped in, lines of worry hanging over her brow. "Honey, I think we're being a little silly. Demons aren't real."

"I don't know, mom. I'm awfully convinced." My voice sounded distant even for me. With a deep sigh, I climbed to my feet. 

"I don't want you doing this."

"I don't need your permission. If you won't let me do it here, I'll do it at my place."

"Norah! This is serious! There were cases just last year of an exorcism leading to death."

Ugh. That one hit home. Tears stung at my eyes and I pushed past my mother. "Leave me alone!" 

Angry and getting flashbacks to my rebellious youth, I ran upstairs, entered my room, and slammed the door behind me. 

I felt weak as I crumbled upon my bed and laid there for hours trying to sleep. But the sleep didn't come, my mind wasn't going to allow it. 

A timid knock came from the door.

"Come in," I said, depressed.

The door opened and one of the priests stood in the door with a bucket.

"Father Francis has suggested I watch over you. He says that demons know when they're about to be exorcised and they sometimes resist."

"What is that?" I asked, arching a brow.

"Holy water."

"Don't bring that in here!" I cried, pushing myself to a seated position. "I have a condition!"

He grimaced. "It's just for emergency." Ignoring my protests, he moved across the room like a terrified deer and set the bucket down by the nightstand. Then he stood there awkwardly. 

I shouldn't, I thought, looking him over.

I stroked my chin like a villain in a movie. He was cute ... ish. Definitely older than me but surely not by much. He didn't win any points when he burnt the hell out of my chest, but then, points could be made up over time. He had height going for him and velvety espresso skin that looked like it would be heaven to touch.

I gasped, startling the boy. This is totally like an angel and demon type of thing. He would be my redeemer and I could live out this fantasy. Or, worst case, I could be the seducer and cast him from religion.

"What's wrong?" he asked, leaning for the bucket, squinting his pretty brown eyes at me.

"Nothing," I answered quickly, patting the bed. "I just felt sort of bad for making you stand this whole time. Take a seat, priest in training."

He shook his head and waved his hands. "No, thank you. I'm okay with standing."

"For days?"

"Uh, well," he rubbed the back of his neck and then cleared his throat. "It's just we shouldn't be close is all. With, well, the demon I mean."

"I think the demon is pret-ty comfortable inside me. You know?"

Nodding for a long time, he eventually came and sat on the very edge of the bed, watching me with absolute focus. 

"So what's your name?" I asked. 


"First or Surname?"


Norah Grayson. It could be much worse, I thought, nodding my head.

"I'm Norah."

Giving a bit of a smile, he shook his head. "Sorry. I'm being so weird. My name is Derek." He offered a hand. 

I took his hand. He had a firm, comfortable grip.

"Can Catholic priests get married?"

"I ... Uh ..." He pulled his hand away and folded it with the other on his lap. "There are ways."

"Derek, I have a proposal."

"No." He shook his head and stood, moving to the other side of the bucket.

"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask."

"I know enough. You said proposal right after your question."

"Okay. I know I'm no ... um ... I can't think of a celebrity name. But looks aside—"

"It's not that. You have a demon inside you. Okay? And I want to be a priest without distractions."

I huffed. "Well I wanted to be an accountant without distractions and now I'm possessed without having done any  of the good stuff. Just saying, that's what you have to look forward to."

He crossed his arm and leaned against the wall, stare resting on the bucket of acid by his feet.

Frowning, I faced the wall to ignore him and eventually fell asleep.

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