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Leaving the hospital had me questioning whether or not I really was crazy. Sitting in the car, staring down at the address, I couldn't help but ask myself one important question: Do I want to know? 

A light tapping brought me out of my thoughts. I looked to my left and shrieked as I saw one of the robed men from the incident. I locked the doors, screamed as loud as my lungs would let me, and pulled my phone free.

"Stop!" he yelled into the window, flattening his hand on the glass. "We didn't throw acid on you! It was holy water! We're priests in training!"

My stomach dropped. Priests? But the burnswhat?

Shaking my head at him, I pulled my shirt open and displayed my burns. "This is not from holy water!"

He shrank back into the door of the car beside mine. His buddy shuffled up beside him, and I pointed to my burns. "Well?!"

They shook their heads and I turned my car on. Buckling my seat belt, I rolled the window down an inch. "Maybe you two need a shrink?"

"It's got to be a demon!"

I glared. "Screw you."

Putting the car into reverse, I peeled out of the spot and drove away, convincing myself that I really was in shock and that these two "priests in training" mixed up the acid and holy water. And honestly, god bless anyone who needed the acid.

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