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It was irrefutable. It had to be possession, right?

I called Dr. Kim.  She didn't answer, but I left a panicked voicemail. 

Thankfully she called back within minutes, concerned that I'd given in to delusions. When I sent her a picture she admit that this was beyond the realm of Science and asked if I could go to her church at eight-thirty in the morning, right after the first service.

I didn't get a wink of sleep.

Mom and dad tried to dissuade me in the morning, but I had answers to find at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. Nothing would stop me.

I felt particularly blessed as I found a parking spot in the lot of the church with seconds to spare. People began to pile out.

I was reluctant to leave my car until Dr. Kim stepped into view. She spotted me right away and waved me over.

I left my car and locked it behind me.

I don't like it here, I thought, feeling sick to my stomach. Maybe mom and dad are right.

"I'm glad you made it alright. How are you doing?" she asked, grabbing my arm in a gentle squeeze.

I forced a smile. "Good, all things considered."

"Come on." Placing a hand on my back, she guided me into the large building.

I felt a coil in my chest as I crossed the threshold. My hands grew clammy and wet as I rubbed them together, twisting and pulling my fingers as nerves shook my body.

"I've never been in a church before."

"It's okay. I'll be here with you. This is a safe place."

Is it? I wondered.

The room was mostly empty as we went to the back. She guided me past a benches and a podium where an old woman spoke with a younger priest, this one with a familiar face. To my horror, I realized he was one of the priests from the incident.

Averting my stare, I looked to where she was taking me.

We entered a smaller room with a desk at the center. A serious-faced, old man looked upon me with years of wrinkles hanging over his eyes. My heart beat so fast I thought it might burst.

"She looks fine to me."

My shoulders slackened with relief. "Oh, thank god."

He snorted and stood, rounding the desk.

"Show him the bruises."

"What? No! How embarrassing. He's a guy."

"You have nothing I haven't seen before. Show me the bruises."

I didn't know whether to take that as a good thing or not, but trusting my very convincing doctor, I lifted my shirt a little and turned sideways so he could see one of the dark purple, almost black, hand prints.

He brought a hand to his chin as he came closer, leaning down to inspect it.

"Don't touch it, please. That's just weird," I said.

Straightening, he motioned me to lower my shirt.

I did so quickly.

"How did it feel when you entered?"

"Uncomfortable. But, I've never been in a church before ... so that's probably why."

"Hmph. God has already won the war, but sometimes the devil's agents still battle. Has anything else happened?"

"Uhm, yeah, you could say that," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I glanced to Dr. Kim, who nodded in encouragement.

"It all started when your assistants," I paused and pointed out the door. "Dumped acid on me, well actually, they said it was holy water. It burnt my chest."

He squinted.

"That you can't see."

"I wasn't going to ask. Go on."

I cleared my throat. "After that. I heard a voice, screamed uncontrollably, I threw up a ridiculous amount all over my boss, I had a strange dream, and then–"

"Tell me about this dream."

"Okay, sure. I was in a dark room, and there was this thing in the middle–"

"A trap? Blood on the ground? Did you get trapped? See a demon?"

"I ... Yes. Yes! That's exactly right. Wow. You're good."

"Okay, what else?"

"Right. Um, I saw a little demon under a cabinet in the E.R., I actually thought I was crazy, but I swear it was trying to speak to me in Latin."

"Do you speak Latin? How can you be sure?"

"When I was little–now take this the wrong way–but I was a little fixated on demons and stuff and I learned some key phrases. It sounded similar."

"I see. Well, maybe this will help you find god. Come, I have a test." He exited the room.

"A test?"

"Yes. This will determine your ... condition."

With tepid steps, I followed him into the main room. It was empty of guests and dark, the door was shut, and the two trainees stood before a giant statue of a man on a cross that made me feel sick to my stomach.

Ugh, churches are so creepy, I thought.

"Look at the crucifix!"

I looked to the priest, startled by his volume.

"Look at him!"

My eyes felt itchy as I looked at the statue. Blinking frequently, I glanced to the Priest. "Why am I doing this?"

"How do you feel?"

"I don't like it, if we're being honest. Kind of macabre."

"Does it stir your stomach? Burn your eyes?"

"Kinda," I said, rubbing my eyes. "My eyes itch and my stomach is not happy today."

"I must speak with the Bishop. I fear you have the devil in you, child, and for that we must tread with care. Leave your address, go home, and we shall contact you when the time is right."

"Seriously?" I said, looking between the priest and Dr. Kim.

"I'll get them your information. Go home and rest. You'll need it."

With a great amount of doubt and fear weighing on my mind, my only relief came as I exited the church.

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