Chapter 7: Wrapped Around My Little Finger

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"Shawn, I still can't believe it happened," I bring up the subject again.
"Well since you're happy, I'm happy," Shawn smiles.
Austin approaches us. "Hey, Austin."
"Hey, Camila."
"I'm going to leave you two lovebirds  to it," Shawn says as he leaves.
"See you at lunch then," I pat him on the back.
Sometimes I make myself cringe. Lovebirds. Eww.
"Actually for lunch today, I was hoping if you wanna sit with my friends and me..since you know. We're girlfriend and boyfriend-I mean, if we are.."
"I mean-uh, yeah. Totally," Camila nervously says as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "But can Shawn sit with us too?"
"If that makes you happy then," I smile.
"Thank you," She embraces me into a hug. "Cause you know he's like one of my good friends and stuff," She says as I pull away from the hug.
I smile," Of course.
Of course. But soon that'll change. Trust me. I already have you wrapped around my finger.
After watching the last 5 minutes of that...Cam, I don't know what to do or say anymore..
Guess I'll be sitting alone
"No you're not. I'm not letting you," Camila says, as she scares me from behind.
"Stop doing that," I say, annoyed.
"Then stop saying your thoughts out loud," Camila giggles. A smile appears on my face.
This is why we're friends.
"Hey, Austin." Camila smiles at Austin, as they side hug.
"Hey, Cami," he smiles. "You weren't kidding about bringing Shawn with you, were you?" He chuckles. His entourage laughs along with him.
"You thought I was kidding?!" She asks, fiercely, taking out her lunchbox.
"A question I will never make a mistake of asking ever again," he says, covering his face with his hands.
"I'm just kidding, Australia," Cam giggles, as she puts her lunchbox down," literally takes everything so seriously."
This is just..eww.
"I'll catch you later," I whisper to Camila, as she turns to face me.
Shawn is trying really hard to adjust to Austin. And he is a real friend.
"Shawn, wait," I stop him, as I grab his wrist," why you leaving?"
"Because, Camila..I don't belong in Austin's world," Shawn says, letting go of my grasp and walking off.
"Everything ok, Camila?" Austin asks.
I nod.
"So time for you to meet your new lunch group and friends," Austin says, signaling his posse to start their introduction.
A tall, brunette with wavy, long hair smiles at me," I'm Lauren. Nice to meet you."
I smile back," Nice to meet you too."
Then a freckle faced, redhead approaches me," I'm Cole. Nice to finally meet Austin's girl-" I nervously smile, as another guy chimes in," I'm Nick."
"Nice to meet you," I grin, nervously. "So, uh, Austin," I giggle, nervously," you talk about me?"
"Sometimes," Austin tries to put on a brave face.
"More like all the time," Cole chimes in again.
"Well I'm flattered," I chuckle.
"So uh, we're going for a little shopping spree after school. You wanna join us?" Lauren changes the subject.
I was still thinking about it, till she interrupts me," That wasn't a question.."
"That didn't sound like one, but sure," I reluctantly agree. "But who's we..there's only you.."
"Brooke isn't here today..I think she ditched today," Lauren says, confirming it with looks from Austin.
"Oh cool.." I say," well I'll catch you guys later," I was about to walk off, until Austin grabs my hand.
"Babe, there's still 2 minutes till the bell rings. You'll be ok..being late isn't a sin," Austin tells me.
I guess one time couldn't hurt...
It's not like Camila to be late to class.
"I'm here," Cam sighs as she put down her stuff at her desk.
"And where have you been..?" Ms. Richardson asks.
"First time for everything right..?" She nervously giggles.
"Just try to be here on time next time," she tells her.
First time for everything..-being late. Uh. This has Austin written all over it.
I text Camila:
Me:so what happened w being late to ms. r's class?
Camila: austin insisted that being late wasnt a big deal & tbh it isnt bad
Me: oh
Camila: ik what ur thinking..
Me: what?
Camila: And I won't be late again dw
Me: good
Honestly I can be an overprotective mother sometimes..thanks for the input, Austin.
Camila: well I gtg bye shawn
Shawn can be such a overprotective mother sometimes..omg. I was only late for one class. God.
I hear a car horn honk, I open the front door.
"Get in the car, loser," Lauren yells, seeing her in the driver's seat. And another girl, must be..Brooke.
Loser. "I rather be a loser with you than a winner with them.."
A smile slowly appears on my face and slowly dwindles, remembering Lauren and Brooke waiting," Coming!" I grab my purse and shut the door. Thank god, Mother isn't here...
The loser actually thinks that Austin likes her..funniest thing ever.
"Cam, meet Brooke. Brooke, Cam," I quickly introduce each other to the other.
They exchange smiles.
"So...did you actually ditch school..?" Cam asks Brooke.
She nods.
"How often do you do it.?"
More often than you can imagine, Cabana.
Girl thinks Austin can change..funniest joke ever. She should know by now what is really happening. I mean we're not in kindergarten anymore.
"Like 2 to 3 days a week," I nonchalantly say.
She nods," High school is stressful sometimes.."
"Not really," I say, looking at my nails.
Girl is trying real hard to change the end of the day, we'll change her.
Time to really trigger her bad side..And perfect timing.
"Wow that guy over there is clearly gay..I don't know why he's even bothering to pick out some jeans," I giggle.
Brooke and I exchange smirks.
"Then he really must be gay, if you think so," Cam laughs.
Wait..Shawn?-no it must be his twin-if he had one. No it's I feel bad. Ugh.
"Cam, do you wanna come or you wanna stay here while we go?" Lauren threatens.
"I'm coming."
Finally. Home. And just in time...15 before my mom comes home. Plenty of time to finish that essay for English.
"Bye," Lauren and Brooke say, as Lauren drives away.
"Hey, Cami," Austin greets me, as I turn to the side to see him.
"Hey, Australia," I tease.
"Babe would sound better," Austin smirks.
I chuckle. At least, there's Austin.
"So how was shopping with the girls?" I change the subject.
"Alright.." She starts, remembering what happened with Shawn.
"Ok what happened..?" I ask her, trying not to hint that I know what happened.
"How do you know something happened?" She asks me, as I am still trying to hide my giggles.
"I'm your boyfriend..Of course I know," I intertwined our fingers together.
Or Lauren could've texted me...
"..I kinda indirectly called Shawn gay.." She tells me. She looks like she's about to cry..are they really that close..?
"Well you guys are best friends, so I'm sure he'll forgive you.." I convince her.
"I guess. Thanks, babe," she laughs, as I develop a smile.
"Speaking of change.." I start, as I put my hand on her cheek. "I've been thinking about it lately, and I think I've changed since our date. I volunteer at the community grade point average went up...I got a job," a fake smile appears. "All thanks to you, my amazing girlfriend," she giggles, as I lift her up and spin her around.
I put her down. "I knew you would!" She embraces me into a tight hug and lets me go to kiss me. I kiss back.
After a few seconds, we break apart and share smiles. Mine being fake, of course. Wrapped around my little finger.
It feels so good to prove Shawn wrong..but ugh, I can't believe it.-I really called him-but I'm sure he'll forgive me.
Me: hey shawn im sorry :(
Camila, I thought you were stronger than this-calling me really are wrapped around his little finger.
Camila: hey shawn im sorry:(
Me: for calling me gay? I forgive u
Camila: rlly?
Me: yes
Camila: why are u so forgiving?
What're friends for? This is all of Austin's doing anyways. Idiot.

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