Chapter 12: Tonight

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~Shawn's POV~

Camila, it's time you know the truth.

Me: I can't believe u actually stayed up till midnight just for the concert

Camila: shawnito ur such a grandpa sleeping at like 10:45

Me: hey i replied to ur text at 12

Camila: only cuz u had ur phone on & then u went back to sleep & woke up again at like 10AM

Me: so u've been awake since 12?

Camila: yes shawnito

Me: at least take a nap

Camila: nah ill pass

Me: u better not sleep on ur part

Camila: im not u shawn

Me: we'll see

If she's this stubborn about the show, there's no way that she's so chill about Austin. There's something she's hiding something...

Camila: i swear if it goes downhill...

There's no way.....

~Camila's POV~

Day 1 million of being an idiot. Out of all the things I could've said, but no. Let's quote Austin.

Shawn: no way we going downhill

But I don't disagree with that.

~Austin's POV~

"Their performance is tonight," I remind Lauren, as she gives me an unamused face.

"I thought you said you didn't want to go," she recalls my response.

"Unless you wanna see a trainwreck of a performance," I describe the losers' future performance.

"But it'll be funny," Lauren whines.

"I guess we can crash it. But we have to take the back row seats.." I remind her.

"I never want to see your face again.."

"Just admit it. You're scared of her," Lauren crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at me.

I shake my head.

Fear isn't it. Just...paranoid. She actually thinks that she'll never see me again.

~Danielle's POV~That evening @ the concert

This concert's gonna be one of Kenton's best. I can feel it. And omg, everyone did a great job decorating.

I see Shawn approaching the auditorium, walking past my check in booth.

"Hey, Shawn," I greet him.

"Oh, am I not supposed to go in yet?" Shawn asks me, as he realizes that he just went for the door.

"You're supposed to check're on in like 15 minutes. Backstage is that way," I point right of the auditorium, towards the backstage entrance door.

"Thanks," Shawn smiles and nods.

"By the way, where's Camila?" I try to hide my smirk.

"She decided to come later since we don't perform till the very end," he explains," well..better get going."

I nod in understanding," Good luck on the interview. And the performance."

I really took advantage of being the one who came up with the questions for all the interviews.

"Hey, Danielle," Camila greets me with a huge smile.

"I thought you were coming later..--"

"Don't tell Shawn," she whispers," Of course I wouldn't miss Shawn and his band's performance..or their interview. I'll be laughing at how many times he's gonna yawn," she laughs.

I forcefully laugh along, pretending to understand what Camila's talking about," Enjoy the show.."

"See you later," Camila waves and walks into the auditorium.

~Camila's POV~

Ah I missed this auditorium..and the projector.

The lights go out, and the projector displays," Meet the Incredibles." Shawn's Band. They go through a slideshow of everyone in the band. Shawn, the lead vocalist/bass guitarist.

The screen then displays a live broadcast of the interview. Oh yess!!!

"So, The Incredibles, you ready for the show tonight?" Danielle asks them, then looking back at the audience.

"Yes, we are ready to crush it!" Trent, the drummer, exclaims. Everyone nods along.

"What about you, Shawn? You ready?" Danielle asks Shawn, pointing the mic to his mouth.

"Totally," he awkwardly gives a thumbs up.

I'm loving this already.

"There are some rumors going around a collab with a certain somebody...can you tell us about that?" Danielle smirks. Omg.

"You'll find out soon enough," Shawn tries to hide his smile.

Yes they will. And I'm so proud of you, Shawnito, you didn't yawn once.

~Austin's POV~

"Remind me why we came early. It's not even the losers' turn yet," Lauren scowls.

"If we wanna watch the cookie crumble. We have to watch from the beginning," I smirk.

"Why can't we just watch the part where the cookie crumbles," Lauren whines.

"Because then that's no fun," I tell her, as I see Camila sitting two rows in front of us.

"I thought we were keeping a low profile," Lauren whispers.

"Oh, we are. And then we're coming out in the right time," I wickedly smile at her.

~Shawn's POV~closing the performance

"Thank you guys so much! We are The Incredibles! And goodnight!" I announce to the audience, as I head backstage.

"Shawn!" Camila jumps up in front of me.

"Very funny, Camila," I laugh, as we embrace into a hug.

"You did so good!" She compliments me, as we break apart.

"Thanks, and you will too," I assure her.

"You actually thought that I'd miss your set?" Camila changes the subject.

"..Now that I think about it," I head off into my thoughts," No."

~Camila's POV~

"Will you stay for my set?" I ask him.

He laughs," Of course, I am. I'm apart of it."

"But like even after this concert. My future sets..?"

"Of course I will."

"And don't worry I'll come to yours too."

Shawn smiles," Are you ready for the amazing interview Danielle has planned..?"

I laugh as I shake my head.

Tell Me Where You've BeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora