Chapter 3

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'JACE!' I yell out in anger. 'How could y-'

'Okay Alec before you start let me explain'.

'I'm listening.'

'Well the thing was...was Underhill was interested in you and then we started talking and then I thought... "Hey Wouldn't it be awesome if o surprised Alec with a date" and I did. SURPRISE!'

'Really Jace! I'm pretty sure I can find my own date without your meddling, don't you think?'

'Well Alec you know I love you,but I think you need someone to keep you company I can't watch watch you 24/7, especially when I start seeing the red haired beauty.'

'Jace this is no time for jokes and please stay out of my love life okay?'

'Will you at least go out with him?'


'Fine! I don't like it, but fine.' Jace might be well meaning but the thought of my younger brother setting me up on dates doesn't sit well with me. We hang out for a bit before my boss calls me with a new story, well more like the same story.

Magnus Bane couldn't take what I wrote in my article and demanded a rewrite which in a way made me somehow pleased with myself.


'Take care of it Alec, we can not have a bad reputation because you couldn't write any positive thing about Magnus Bane and his company'. Mrs Lightwood scolds.

'Yes ma'am.' I say as I leave to get ready for another interview with the man in question.


'What did you find out Robert?' I ask when my husband calls.
'I need to find my son! Our son!' I say a little upset.

'Yes Maryse I found out about him'.

'Really where is he?'


Hope you enjoy this chapter.
I want Alec to meet Izzy as soon as possible and have the gang together and also more Malec, but I have to start nicely.

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