Chapter 31

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After my meeting with Robert Lightwood a lot of thoughts which I can't seem to calm down have overtaken my mind.
I know one thing though, this can't be good.

I arrive at my apartment and find Lydia there. Which is a surprise because I didn't know we were meeting today.

'Lydia, hey', I say as she hugs.

'Hey agent K', she says between laughter.

'What?' Jace asks clearly confused.

'Well your brother went through quite the adventure'.

'Nonono, please let's not repeat what happened, please?'

Much to my dismay she tells him everything that went down in the hospital in detail. But in short another journalist and I got in a fight then things spun out of control and other things that can not be repeated.

That's how the day goes, with the three of us catching up and telling embarrassing stories that occurred in our lives. I couldn't visit Magnus today seeing as he was really busy with his company.

After Dinner and catching up with Lydia and Jace, I decide to try and write about some of the things I learnt about Magnus in my rewrite article. I mean I still feel that there was absolutely nothing wrong with my first article, granted it was a little mean or maybe a lot I don't know. Magnus still holds that over my head which I find completed ridiculous if you ask me.

As soon as I grab my devices, I realise I have a message from an unknown number. I gasp in shock at what it says:

"You better stop your boyfriend from investigating or who knows accidents can occur!"


'Magnus! You look awful.'

'Hi to you too Cat.' I reply before entering her apartment.

'No seriously, what happened?'

'I was leaving work when a car nearly ran over me. I jumped out of the way leading to this...' I explain throwing myself on her couch to add to the drama.

'OMG! Magnus what did the car look like? Did he/she atleast apologize? Did you call the cops?' Cat says in one breath.

'It was black with tinted windows, no it just drove away and no.' Before I realize it Cat hits me over the head yelling something about how stupid I am.

'Mags it sounds like this was no accident otherwise why would they have tinted windows. And don't forget Mags that guy at the mansion did shot you what if he sent someone to finish the job'.

'You think?' I ask and she nods with a worried look on her face. 'Anyway let's talk about our investigation shall we?' I say trying to change the topic. We spend the whole time trying to uncover the mystery of the big mansion.

I arrive home an hour later and I'm shocked at the sight of Alec sitting in the dark staring right at me with anger and relief written all over his face.


'Alexander'. I answer back before stepping closer to him and lean in to kiss him to which he steps back. I look at him properly and I see anger laced with worry as looks back me.
'What's wrong Alexander?' I say stepping closer to him as I kiss all the conflicting emotions away from his face. What he says shocks me.

'Why are you still investigating my past?'

'Alexander I-'

'You have to promise me that you will stop Magnus, please?' He says tears escaping his eyes.


'I can't lose you Magnus please stop investigating this please', he says pulling me into a tight embrace. I can't help but tear up as well as Alec sobs.

I decide to say something which I know I will regret later on.

'I promise.'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Internet is down so I can't update a lot.
If you are enjoying this story please read my new story called Second chance. I realised a lot of stories have Camille as an evil bitch, so I decided to do an au of her own.
Keep reading and be on the look out for second chance.

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