Chapter 29

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I find myself in my living staring blankly at the dark screen in front of me. Alec hasn't reached out to me yet and my divorce is promising to be messy affair.

I never loved Robert as much after he snatched my baby from my arms, but I was to scared to leave him too. When Izzy was born I felt so much joy yet so much pain when I thought of the one I wouldn't get to hold I'm hands and I just couldn't leave him after seeing the way she had adored and looked up to her father, but I still considered it and then Max came and my business picked up and I just lost myself in work. Robert cheated on me thinking I wouldn't realise this, but I just didn't give fuck anymore.

I have to win Alec over before Robert digs his claws into him, but I need help. Who would help ensure Alec is kept away from Robert? That's it! I pick up my phone and dial the Herondale's number.

'Hello?' A voice I recognise as Alec's Mum answers after the second ring.

'Hello, it's Maryse Lightwood. Please don't hang up?' I plead.

'What do you want?'

'I need your help, it's about Alec', I say with tears now sliding down my face in anticipation of her answer. Would she be willing to help me after I selfishly tried to take her son from her, I really don't want to steal him from her I just want a chance to get to know him better. After all I know what it feels like having my child snatched from me, I wouldn't wish the same fate upon someone else. I hope she agrees. After a few agonizing seconds she replays.

'I'm listening', she answers and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.


I awake to the smell of coffee and I see Magnus come into the room with a tray filled with breakfast food and two cups of coffee.

'Morning Alexander,' he says before leaning in to place a kiss on my lips.

'Morning,' I reply with a yawn escaping my lips.

'Breakfast is saved,' he says handing me the cup of coffee.

'You didn't make this did you?' I ask playfully to which he hits me with a pillow.

'No I did not.', he admits.  Before i can say somthing he continues, 'Ramona made everything here. So don't worry', he says with an amused look on his face.

'Thank goodness', I say with a smug smile on my lips.

'What?! I'm not that bad', he says before attacking my neck with kisses.


'Oh so I guess I'm good for something', he says between kisses.

After breakfast I get ready for work, while Magnus works in the study.


I get to work five minutes early and decide to proofread my story on Chris Pine before handing it in to Mrs Lightwood. I have uncharacteristically bitter towards her and haven't talked to either Max nor Izzy since their revelations. Izzy has been kind enough to give me space, but I had to talk to them sooner rather than later.

I notice Mrs Lightwood arrive with Max right behind her. He sees me and smiles a huge toothy grin before running towards me and hugging me.

'Alec! I missed you so much.', when I didn't say anything he continued, 'I wanted to meet you, but said you needed space. Are you mad at me?'

'Max! Come here', Mrs Lightwood scolds beaconing him forwards her.

'I missed you too Max and no I'm not mad at you we'll hang out soon', I say before he can go towards his Mum (I guess my mum too) dejected.

'Do you promise?'

'I promise'. He smiles and runs off happily.

I watch the interaction between mother and son. I can't help, but wonder if our relationship would've been like that had she raised me. She seems to be strict, but you can't deny the affection for him on her face. A lot is changing in my life, but I don't know if I'm ready for it or not. I'm falling in love with Magnus, I have two new siblings and I have found my biological parents, but in order to be able to accept all this change I have to face the past head on. Even if it kills me.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm sorry I haven't been uploading.
I also wanna thank everyone for the votes, follows and for reading this story it means a lot.
It might take me longer to update,but I'll update eventually so please be patient with me. Sorry.

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