Chapter 25

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I find myself at Magnus' loft. I figured if I had all this shit I had to unload, he is the perfect person to help me understand this soap opera that's my life now.

I enter his apartment not being able to hide my fury fast enough as I see his face change from happiness to worry all in one second.

'What's wrong Alexander?' I kiss him softly to which he accepts with a sigh, meaning he knew this was my way to distract him from the issue at hand. 'Talk.'

'I just found out my boss is actually my mum.'

'Uh.' So I tell him everything that happened today all while trying to keep my tears from falling and failing miserably as one stray tear fell much to my dismay. 'Oh, but what about that house I visited I thought they were your family?'

'No they are not,' I continue, 'Actually when I was still in college I decided to find out more about myself and it also brought me to that house. I went there once. Before I knew all the nightmares I have had since I was a kid hit me at full force.' I am barely able to stop my voice from shaking as I tell him the events that occurred in that one visit.

'I'm sorry Alexander', he says in a soft voice as he leans in to kiss me on the lips. The kiss is soft yet intoxicating, but the promise of forever wasn't all to lost when just the feel of his sweet lips seemed to calm me. After a few minutes of processing all this I somehow fall asleep in content as the feel of his arms circling me protectively made me feel content.

'The screams were all too real, I don't want to lose you......'


SCREAMS! I panicked at what Alec must've gone through. Alec had told me about how he had been sold to a high socialist who was murdered soon after. I don't know why, but I feel he's hiding something. Like; why would they shoot me to send a message to him? Why would they have to?

All I know is Alec needs me now and I will be there for him. My Alexander.

Sorry I seem to have hit a slump, I don't really know what to write so that's why the chapters have been short.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed.
I will update soon.

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