Chapter 15

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The next morning, I head over to Magnus' loft since he had convinced me to come. I don't know what I was expecting, but I certainly was not expecting Magnus to block my way out.

'Magnus what....?'

'Alec we need to talk...'

'About what?'


'There is no...'

'Alec I know you are scared and I'm not sure why, but I know you and I can make it Alexander'. He says as tears fell down his face. 'Please.'

'Magnus...I'. Before I can finish speaking I feel his lips on mine. He embraces me with such passion. I kiss him back and feel my heart pound in my chest. I can't help but jerk away when I feel his hands on my flesh.

'I'm sorry Alec I didn't ...'

'No. You didn't do anything wrong Magnus. Its me I can't...'

'Its okay Alexander. I can wait.' He says as he showers kisses all over my face.

Magnus and I spend rest of the day making small talk, watching Netflix and a few kisses here and there. In that brief moment everything was perfect.

'Alec are you adopted?' He asks out of the blue.

'Yes.' I answer simply.

'Do you want to meet your biological family?'

'No.' answer absentmindedly.

'Why not?'

'I don't want to talk about it.' I say as I try to stand up, but Magnus pulls me back on the couch.


'Let's just drop it.'


'DROP IT MAGNUS!' I burst in frustration.


'Please.' I say in a soft whisper.



I get Alec to fall asleep somehow after his breakdown. I told Alec I can wait and I can. I hope he'll tell me everything about him someday, but for now listening to his laboured breathing is enough for now.

I know Alec is hiding something about why he doesn't want to meet his biological parents. I will find out about about his biological parents. I know Alec wants to too, but it seems his curiosity is clouded by his pain.



After a lot of digging I found out what happened after he was taken from me. I never thought he had gone through something like it and that to as a baby.


I wept. I begged. I screamed. He took my baby from my arms and all he had to say was 'This is for the best Maryse.' I know we didn't have a lot of money, but my baby had been mine.
'Look there is a family who want him and they are rich too.' He had said in thought.

'You are selling my baby Robert. Did you hear that; MINE!' I growled at him. I tried to fight. I tried to stand and snatch my baby from him, but I couldn't. He had drugged me to stop me from taking the baby. I struggled for minutes before darkness engulfed me. The las thing I heard was the baby's screams.


I haven't had one peaceful night without hearing the sound of my breaking heart as my baby got further away from me.

'I'm sorry Alec.'


Hope you enjoy.
I have never written a love scene before so I hope you bare with me because I don't how to write it.
Will update soon .

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