Chapter 38

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All the sounds of memories long gone echoed in my head. The truth is I'm scared of what might happen if I confront the danger. The shadow of someone behind me distracts me from my inner turmoil.

'Alec?' There stood my dad with tears in his eys which broke my heart into a million pieces. The bags under his eyes and messy hair made it clear to me how much rest his gotten lately. The defeated look in his eyes turned to hope as he embraced me.

'Dad', I cry as I embrace him into a tight hug. We stay like that until we come down a bit. He pulls back and hands me an envelope with my name on it. He pats me in the back before leaving the room. I open it up to see a letter on my mum's handwriting;
Dear Alexander

If you're reading this it means I'm dead or you're heading to an epic journey, either way the letter is needed. I have a lot to say to you that I can't express in words, but I'll try.

I may have not given birth to you, but I loved you from the moment I met you, you were mine. I've seen you struggle and persevere, but I have seen you ignore and push away the past. I don't know what you went through before but I want you to fight back Alec. Don't let your fear win or else you won't be in peace.

My love for you is like the sea calm and reassuring, but just like the ocean I can be unsettling and dangerous. You and Jace are my heartbeats, I can't live without you both so you have to be strong. I know the past can come to haunt you, but I'll always be with you physically or in spirit.

You are and will always be my defender of men don't forget that.

Love Your Mum💕

'I love you too Mum'.


'Hello' I answered on the phone. A lot had changed that getting a call from Alec's family is pretty rare nowadays.

'Alec's back'.


Well I'm back.
So I've decided on a part 2 book instead of continuing on this one. It might be out by tommorow or the day after.
Thank you all for being patient and reading my awful story.

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