Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When Alex woke up, she saw him lying next to her. With eyes closed and his soft breathing, he looked so peaceful and at ease. His resting figure touched her heart; she leaned in and kissed him on his cheek. The warmth of her lips against his skin caused his eyes to flutter open.

“Hi sleepy head.”

“Hi sleeping beauty.”

He looked over her shoulder and found the digital clock on the nightstand reading ‘11:35pm.’

“Technically it’s still night, so what do you wanna do?” he asked her teasingly

“Well, we could either go back to sleep or…” her voice trailed off

“Or what?” he asked

“You decide.” She replied

She gave him a deviously and lay back as he made his way on top of her

“Now, I’m in control”


They enjoyed each other’s company and made love all into the morning, each time more exhilarating than the last.



Morning came and met them on the floor of the room, which looked like a disaster; the sheets off the bed and partially torn, everything on the dressing table was tossed all over the floor and if you looked close enough, you’d see a small crack in the mirror.

The light from the sun poked its way through the curtains and rested on Alex’s face. She tried hiding from it, not wanting to be awaken, just to stay and reminisce in the luscious memories of the night’s events, but the empty space beside her, caused her eyes to open.

Wrapped in a sheet from the bed, Alex got up, in doing so; she realized just how sore her body was. Her arms hurt while putting on her oversized shirt and so did her legs when slipping into her lace panty. After re-dressing, she headed to the kitchen in search of something to eat and her not-so-boyfriend.

“What?” she asked, but they didn’t reply. “Where’s Mason?” No one answered. She opened the fridge and saw a sandwich covered down with a note attached to it reading ‘ALEX’. She took out the sandwich, undressed it and popped it into the microwave, and then she hopped onto the counter.

“Everything okay?” asked her friend Carl, with a big smile on his face.

“Yes Carly, everything’s okay” she replied and in-turn returned a smile.

“You sure? Everything still in place, nothing broken or damaged?” he asked while gesturing to her body.

“Other than your mirror? No.” she snared

“Waayyy!!! You see de condition of dah room? Go and watch dah room.” Shouted Damian as he entered the kitchen. “Alex, yuh is ah freak. You see de condition ah dah room? Go and watch dah room.” All the guys left, rushing to see the room that Alex and Stefan were sharing. On their return, she heard them muttering, but couldn’t make out what they were saying.

“Alex, hurricane Katrina pass through dey owa?” asked Paul, hardly able to contain himself.

“No.” she replied, face-deep in her sandwich.

“No wonder he neck was hurting him this morning.” said Felon

“If alyuh had de house to alyuh self, yuh wudda mash it up.” stated Carl and everyone, including Alex, exploded into an uncontrollable laughter.

Later, during the day, Mason came home.

“Did you go to the market?” asked Alex looking at the contents of his bags.

“Yeah, I wanted to make you lunch.”

“You can cook?” she asked in total shock

“Yes. While you were gone, who do you think kept us fed? Thanks to you I learned to make good use of my time.” he replied giving her a small kiss

“Good. Try not to kill me, or I’ll make you suffer.”

“I’d suffer if we weren’t in the same room.” he stated and gave her another kiss before running her out of the kitchen.

Alex went out-front and talked with the guys.

“Can he really cook?”

“Yeah.” answered Paul.


“Have some faith in de man nah? Who yuh feel was cooking when you wasn’t here?” argued Felon

“Okay, okay…I sorry.” she said in defense. Needing a change of topic she asked, “So how did you enjoy your Alex free vocation?”

“How do you think?” answered Carl

“We had fun.” imputed Timmy

“Be honest. Your only concern is where your boyfriend put his problems to rest.

“Well D, that and him are not my only concerns” stated Alex

“We do wuh we does usually do…Smoke weed, fuck girls and party hard”

“Thanks for that wonderful description Tim.” A moment of silence went by, when she finally asked, “Just wondering. Where did he put his problems to rest?”

“Oh Alex, you’re so transparent.”

“What? I wanna know, plus you guys are my friends, so he isn’t my only problem child.”

“Don’t worry; he didn’t stick his problems anywhere but in a wall.”

“A wall, why? What happened?”

“Ask him yourself.” answered Damian. Alex went into the house, heading to the kitchen, when a wonderful aroma slapped her in her face. The enticingly mouth watering scent came from the kitchen. It was so good, even her stomach spoke to her.

“What is that smell?” asked Alex

“It’s a surprise.” replied Mason

“But you know how the saying goes; not everything that smells good, tastes good.”

“I’d like to prove you wrong.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

In a kitchen full of intensity and desire, Mason took Alex by the waist, gave her a passionate kiss, and then released her.

“Now if that’s all you wanted to say…Please get out of my kitchen.”

“Okay.” And she left with a big smile on her face. She abruptly stopped outside of the kitchen, realizing that she had completely forgotten to ask her question. It made no sense to go back into the kitchen, so she went to her room.

Night time came again and the room was cleared, though it was still a bit untidy, it was presentable. Stefan lay on the made up bed, waiting for her.

“How was lunch?”

“It was…delicious, thank you.”

“And dinner?”

“That too, very nice.”

Making her way on to bed, she kissed him lightly, snuggled up in his arms and instantly fell asleep. With arms wrapped around her, giving her comfort, she felt safe. Nothing in the world felt more right, than this moment.

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