Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Days went by and things went smoothly. Jokes, laughs and stories of her trip were shared. She told them about her new friends Mia and Kim. Of course boys being boys, they wanted a fix-up with the girls, but Alex told them that she was sure that they weren't their type.

Today was a day of days. The day she had to leave her Island paradise and return to her parents' house.

"Bye guys."

"Bye Alex."

She kissed Mason before getting into the taxi. While in the car she receives a message from Stefan reading 'Love you'. She replied, 'Love you too... P.S. I miss you' 'Miss you too' was the last message she received before her battery died.

Finally, she made it to the house. In a small suburban neighborhood, at the end of Hems Street sat a two story house; peach in color, with an eggshell white porch that went all the way around the house, white shutters and a medium sized yard with a small flower garden to the right all guarded by a white picket fence.

Stepping out of the car she breathed out heavily and said, "It's really good to be home."


All settled in her room, she looked around taking in the memories.

"Hey hun."

"Hi mom."

"I can see you're settled in. So, how was your trip?"

"It was nice."


"Okay it was awesome"

"Tell me all the details."

"Well Drew took me to some award thing, which was really fun..."

"I saw that, you a blue dress, the one you made."

"Yeah. While working in the studio, I got to meet Mia, the singer and she asked me to be one of her dancers in her music video, of course I said yes..."

"Can't wait to see it. What about Nathan?"

"He's alright. He made me these awesome shoes that light up to beat of the music. They're a-maz-ing, with matching hat, belt and gloves of course."

"Wow, all that within a month? Sounds like you had a blast."

"Yeah, I did and I'm so glad to be home."

"Okay, you rest up, and be down for lunch by twelve."

"Okay mom thanks." and she lay on her bed.

(On the phone)

"Leela darling"

"Alex! Is it true? You're back?"

"No, I'm just chilling, on my bed, home here."

"I'm coming over."

Luckily, Leela only lived two doors down from Alex, so she didn't have a far distance to walk. Upon entering the room, Leela was startled when Alex jumped out of the closet, pushing her onto the bed while screaming Leela's name. They both tumbled and fumbled on the bed. Leela tried her best to push Alex off of her but couldn't. Alex held down Leela's hands and licked her on her face.

"Ewe!" Leela screamed and using all her strength, she finally got Alex off of her. Great success, she finally did and Alex was on the ground. Both laughing, Alex clambered onto her bed.

"I missed you Lee."

"I missed you too Al."

Lying on the bed, the girls chatted until it was time to go down for lunch.

Night came and the girls were all washed and ready for bed. All the girls were at Alex's house; Leela, Kiki, Rose, Melissa and Skyler, everybody was there. They were all gathered in Alex's room, ready to hear the exciting news of her trip. All the deep, dark, unmentionable details.

"Did you and Drew sleep together?"

"Oh my gosh Kiki, no. Well, technically." The simultaneously oohed.

"Come on Alex, there is no technically. Its either you slept with him or you didn't."

"Well since there's no 'technically', Mel. We did sleep but we didn't sleep together."

"Oh my gosh, you are so PG 13." snapped Skye

"Thanks for the support Skye." she snapped back

"Excuse Skye, she feel everybody should be like she. Go on Alex."

"Thank you Rose. As I was saying Drew and his girlfriend broke up three days after I arrived, but he said it had nothing to do with me." she paused for a dramatic effect, and then continued, "Anyways, over the time we got closer and one night he told me everything. We were in his room lying on his bed, watching a movie, the next morning I woke in his arms..."

"Oh my Al, you like him." said Skye

"Who, Drew? No." stated Alex

"Yes you do." argued Leela

"No I don't. Mel, tell Lee that I don't like Drew in that way please?"

"Lee, she doesn't like Drew in that way..."

"Thank you"

"I'm not done...Because she loves Stefan."

"No I don't, well I'm not sure if I do."

"Stefan Mason, the hottest guy in class, and you snatched him up."

"Is there something you wanna tell me Skye."

"No. No no." defended Skye

"How did you manage to lockdown the third hottest guy in school? Mr. Playboy himself." asked Kiki

"Honestly speaking, I don't know. And besides, some would call him the second hottest guy in class."

"Who's the first?" asked the girls simultaneously. It took them a while to figure it out, when finally Mel said, "You have a thing for the friend." Causing the girls to gasp simultaneously and place their hands on their chests.

"No, I only have eyes for Mason." she defended

"Why do you call him by his last name if you love him? Is that your thing?" asked Leela.

"Let's get things straight; one, I don't love him, I just have strong feelings for him, two, I like calling him Mason and three, no, it's not our thing."

"Why don't you love him?" asked Rose

"Can we drop the topic please?" But the girls pestered her all night, forgetting about the details of trip and studying the details of her heart.

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