Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Apple

Chapter 7

DAY 14

For the rest of that month, Alex attended every party she got invited to and made sure they weren’t in her town, but well known in her school. No, she didn’t sleep around nor had any trace of whorish behavior nor did she act like a crazed party animal, she just had fun and made sure she enjoyed herself.

Unintentionally, she was crowned the ‘Ultimate Partier of the season’ and that officially meant that she was truly herself again; the fun, cool, relaxed and carefree Alex everyone knew and loved. The girls knew exactly what she was doing and were happy for her, but kept a watchful eye. Knowing Alex, there was a reason or aim for doing something big, even if it’s just a simple change of mind.

Her teachers and parents didn’t worry because instead of her grades falling they improved; from A’s and B’s to straight A’s and all her assignments were done and handed on time, by her. Some people wondered how she kept everything in line, but they later learned that whenever she was home, she did her work; both home and school.

(On the phone)

“Al honey”

“Lee baby”

“What’s the plan for the night? Party at Jackson’s?”

“No. I’m home for the night. What about you?”

“Ha! Don’t make me laugh, you know I’m always home.”

“Can I come over?”

“Are you actually asking to come to my house? I never thought I’d see the day, wow.”

“Whatever. Movies and ice cream?”

“You got the movies, I got the ice cream.”

“I’ll be there”


It took Alex exactly ten minutes to round up an eight hour marathon of movies and reach Leela’s front step. Five minutes after her arrival Melissa and Rose showed up bearing food and drinks. Ten minutes later Daisy appeared bearing snacks. What started out as a movie night, quickly switched over into a slumber party. All the girls were there, everyone except for Skye, which was strange.

(On the phone)

“Hi Skye!” simultaneously shouted the girls

“Heyyy.” replied Skye

“Where are you? You’re missing out, movie night at Leela’s.”

“That sounds great Daze but I can’t.”

“What?!” shouted the girls completely baffled

“I have plans tonight.”

“With who?”

“My cousins.”

“Bullshit, you can’t stand your cousins.”

“I’m not talking about Sarah and her devilish brothers; I’m talking about the other ones, from California.”

“Okay. You sure you don’t want to come?”

“Yeah, I haven’t seen them in a long time…”

“…yeah yeah yeah, bye.”

The girls all ate, dance, sing and watched their movie marathon. That night, was the reconnection of their friendship; laughs were shared, stories, dreams, adventures, they touched on every topic that came to mind, even boyfriends. Alex thought it was funny because everyone had a boyfriend except her, even Leela and their back-to-school plan was to rock the ‘boyfriend thing’ at the same time. Then again, things don’t always work out as you planned. Though she felt a bit awkward and weird discussing the topic, she tried her best to bury those feelings and show her friends that she was happy for them. And she was truly happy for them, especially Melissa, since her fiancé died in a car crash last year. It was an arranged marriage since birth, but she loved him with all of her heart and he loved her with all his soul.

                                                                   R.I.P. ---APPLE---

 DAY 15

The day is Monday. It’s the second week in November and everyone was hustling and bustling, preparing for the Thanks Giving concert next week Friday. Kiki and Leela are on the preparations committee, Alex and Melissa are in the drama club, glee club and they have a dance group in school. Daisy is managing with the music and technical set up for the show. In other words, everyone is busy, everyone except Skye. Usually she helps with the set up, decorations, props, but not now. Where was she? No one knew.

Spotted leaving Jessie’s Juice Bar with none other than Stefan Mason was Miss Skyler Tenum herself; happily tucked beneath his arm smiling brightly. The shocking sight drew Daisy’s full attention causing her to walk into a stop sign. Daisy heard Skyler’s phone ring and moved in closer, hiding behind a car next to them, trying to listen in on her call.

“Yeah… I know… Yeah” Daisy tried getting closer, but she could only hear Skye and not the caller.

“Who am I with? Umm… Steffie… Yeah… No, I haven’t seen her anywhere… Bye.”

A bag fell out of Daisy’s hand causing her to duck further out of sight. Stefan and Skye continued walking, Daisy followed in the streets ducking behind cars, trying to remain unseen. After a couple blocks, she ducked out and headed back to school.

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