Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The day was Wednesday and everything in school was hectic; everyone hustling and bustling working on the final touches for Friday's show.

"A, what did you have to tell me?"


"I just geh back muh phone and ah just check muh voicemail, yuh say yuh wudda call me later. Wuh it was?" Alex stood there for a while, thinking of what Damian had just said, trying to remember what she wanted to say. After a while, when realization struck, she remembered her dream and started to blush.

"What?" he asked

"Nothing" she blushed even more

"Do you remember?"

"Yeah, it wasn't anything serious..." and her voice trailed off

"You sure?" he asked unconvinced

"Yeah it's's nothing" she said trying to hide her smile

"Okay" and he left

Alex walked into the theatre carrying a box of decorations and BAM! she saw them. Miss Skyler Tenum and Mr. Stefan Mason themselves, helping out with last minute set ups. What a surprise! - ¡Qué sorpresa! Alex hugged and kissed her friend while totally ignoring HIM. They talked a little bit, and then went back to working on props. Skyler watched her friend leave the room and then looked at Stefan.


"Nothing" replied Skye holding up her hands in defeat

"I'm not gonna do it"

"I didn't say anything"

"Besides, it's better this way"

"If you think so"

DAY 17

T'was the day of the school's Annual Thanks Giving Concert and everything was going smoothly, though it had some minor last minute changes everything was okay, or so it seemed. Melissa and Alex had just come off the stage with their dance group; they'd just performed to Thankful by Mary Mary. Up next, was a play written by their friend Elijah Simmons, performed by the drama club.

Fifteen minutes before her solo Alex was rushing about backstage looking for her shoes. Up, down, left, right, she searched everywhere for her shoes and still couldn't find them. One minute before her solo and there still wasn't any sign of her 'lucky' silver and white ballet shoes. She was in total panic. Finally, she gave up; she realized that if she went further she would reach late to the stage.

While rushing back, something caught her eye; one of her best friends and her ex-boyfriend in what looked like a very intimate embrace. The sight was so shocking that it caused her to freeze where she stopped, which was the same time that Mason looked up. He tried to stop her but she ran off.

After the show, Alex rounded up the girls for questioning; all except Skye.

"What aren't you telling me?" asked Alex, but no one talked

"Please? Somebody talk to me; tell me that what I saw, isn't what I think it is. Please?" she begged them to tell her something; to at least say that she was wrong, that she was just imagining things that weren't there but no one spoke up. Alex started pacing and hyperventilating in the space she consumed.

"Alex" entered Skye, "It isn't what it looks like."

"Well you tell me Skye...Why? What did I do? Forget that! I thought we were friends?"

"We are Alex. It's just..."

"It's just what?!?"

"It's not what you think it is!"

"I don't care if you're with him Skye, as long as you're happy, I'll be happy for you...but please, please?" she turned to the rest of the girls as they had their heads bowed, "What are you guys hiding from me?!?"

"It's not our place to tell, you out of all people should respect that." said Melissa

"You knew?" she asked Melissa with true hurt in her eyes, then she turned to the rest of them, "All ah alyuh know?" they were too ashamed to look her in her eyes so they watched everywhere but at her, "And alyuh eh tell me nothing?" Alex was given total, complete, silence, "Well I guess it's ah good thing we doh keep secrets from each other then! Huh? I've been going out of my mind these past weeks, more than usual might I add. Doesn't anyone care about that? About me?" and with that, Alex left; tears streaming down her face, accompanied by a heart full of despair and true disappointment in what her friends did.

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