Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

After hours of talking, Alex finally understood. Sense could actually be placed to everyone’s actions, but she still couldn’t figure out how the girls kept his secret this long from her; usually they spill around three days to a week after. It was strange.

DAY 19

After a stroll to her house, Alex called-up the girls for a one on five session. It was something mandatory; had to be done.

“I’m guessing he told you.” said Melissa

“Yeah he did…” replied Alex. “…and I don’t know what to do”

“Baby I’m sorry, we had no choice.” implied Skye

“Skye you shouldn’t talk, you was trying to thief she man.” said Rose

“No I wasn’t.” defended Skye

“I don’t care.” imputed Alex. “He’s not mine anyway.”

“Buh ent he tell yuh everything?” asked Rose

“Yeah but…”

“So why alyuh not together?” asked Kiki

“Because…” her voice trailed off and she sighed. She felt her phone vibrate, “Hold on, it’s Damian”

“A, I heard. Want a drink?”

“Yes please?”

“Yuh free now?”


“Meet me at Sims”

“Yeah, bye.” She ended her call with Damian and went back to the girls, “Bye ladies I gotta go”

“Wait. Wait. Why? Don’t…”and the call was ended.

At Sims, Alex had a taste of everything in the bar; from ‘Sun Rise’ to ‘Sun Set’ to even ‘Sex on the Beach.’ For the first half of the night, they didn’t speak a word of the matter to each other; they just danced, drank and played games. Damian realized that Alex was ‘hitting it too hard,’ so he tried to slow her down. In his attempt, she slapped him in his face and disappeared into the crowd.

Damian looked up and down, high and low for her, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found. A guy told him that she was standing on the roof about to jump into the pool. Hearing that news, he flew up the stairs, stumbled to the roof, made it to the balcony and caught her, in the nick of time, just as she jumped. While Damian was struggling to pull her away, Alex got free of his hold ran to the balcony, leaned over and started vomiting.

Lucky for her, right below was Alex’s sworn enemy Miss Britney Jones, in her hot pink mini skirt, cotton candy top and Barbie doll pumps. Unluckily, she was at perfect aim in the collection of Alex’s puke. Britney got mad and stomped off with her wanna-be-Barbie-doll entourage. When finished, Damian gently pulled her into him and he led her to the bathroom to clean her up. They left Sims’ bar and headed home. Damian quickly realized that he couldn’t have taken Alex home in her condition, so he took her to his place.

Upstairs in Damian’s tub, lay the very drunk, Alexandria Bennette. Soaking in the cold water, he carefully washed her, though she was awake and barely conscious of what was happening. When Damian was done, Alex pulled him into the tub and told him that it was her turn to wash him. They both laughed at the way Damian bawled when Alex rubbed the scrub too hard. Completely cleaned and still in the tub, they just, talked, well Alex did most of the talking, Damian looked at her without a word, entranced in her eyes. He’s looked at her eyes before, but never had he noticed how trapping they are. He felt himself moving, leaning in to their one-man conversation with a kiss.

To them, that kiss was the beginning of something unknown. Alex was on top of Damian, kissing and grabbing everywhere that she could. She started peeling off his wet clothes and softly kissing his neck. He unhooked her bra and was heading for her panty when he was stopped. Alex got up out of the tub, took him by the hand in nothing more than his pants and led him to the bed. She told him to take off his wet clothes while she was stripping herself of her last piece of clothing. Damian refused, knowing where it would go after that. He only took off his remaining wet clothes to put on dry, fresh ones. They both lay on the bed; Damian in his boxers and Alex naked as she was born, in refusal to put on clothes. Alex made every attempt to seduce Damian and failed every time. He knew she was drunk and unknowing of her actions and if they continued down that road he would be taking advantage of his beloved friend.

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