Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


The girls were in the mall shopping for their back-to-school stuff. Books, bags, shirts, stationery, all picked up and paid for. The only things missing were their shoes and lip gloss. Yes, lip gloss; it’s very important to the girls.

Spotted in a secluded part of the mall, was Mr. Playboy himself, but he wasn’t alone. Tall, fair skin, long dark wavy hair, voluptuous body, all covered by a black over the shoulder top, dark blue pencil jeans and a pair of tall black leather boots.

On the way home, the girls wondered what was wrong with Skye. Usually all Skyler does is talk, they’d literally beg her to shut up, but this time, she barely said a word all evening. Alex had just ended a call when Melissa brought it to her attention.

“Hey Skye. Cat got your tongue?” Skye looked at Alex and shook her head. At that moment, they knew for sure, something was wrong. Alex signaled them to leave Skye alone, because her eyes were crystallized with tears and she looked as if she would explode if anyone touched her.

The next day, was the beginning of their second-to-last week home. When they would hang out as they usually did around this time, Skyler was nowhere to be found. She couldn’t stand the sight of seeing her friend, whom she loves, be happy with a liar.



Finally, Alex approached Skyler.

“Skye, what’s wrong?”


“Then why are you so distant?”

“I’m not, it’s just…” her voice trailed off.

“What? It’s just what?” she asked trying to contain herself.

“I’ve been busy.”

“Busy with what?”

“My life!”

“Bull-shit!” She gasped and became lost of all words when Skye’s facial expression changed completely. Alex became worried knowing it had to be something really deep for Skye not to tell her.

“Skye?” Skyler looked at her with crystallized eyes, tears slowly slid down her face. Alex’s heart went out to her friend.

“Is it Adrian?” (Skyler’s boyfriend) asked Alex, Skyler shook her head in denial.

“Is it Penn?” (Leela’s boyfriend)Skyler still shook her head ‘No’

“Is it Brent? (Kiki’s boyfriend) Ian? (Rose’s boyfriend) Chance? (Melissa’s boyfriend)” Skye’s denial to made Alex stop and think for a minute, and then, realization struck. Alex sighed heavily, and finally asked, “It’s Mason isn’t it?”

That was the trigger to her gun, with statement Skye grabbed onto Alex and cried aloud. Alex gently patted her friend’s head and held her until she calmed down. When Skye finally came to, she started apologizing to Alex from keeping that from her. She told Alex everything and even showed her the picture she took with her phone. Not even Alex Knew who the girl was, and that says a lot, cause Alex knew everyone.


After doing some digging, Alex found out everything she wanted to know and more.

An unannounced visit to Stefan’s house was the plan – to corner him at his house and rip out the truth – at least, so she planned. Shock stopped her at the entrance of Stefan’s back yard. All the guys were gathered, sitting on chairs, drinking and smoking.

“Alex, grab ah chair and take ah drink.” said Paul

“No thanks Polly, you’re too kind. Stefan, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Stefan? Since when you does call he by he first name?” asked Carl

“That’s his name isn’t it?” replied an angry Alex.

“Carl, leave she alone boy, stay out ah de people business.”

“Thanks D. So can we talk?” she looked at the guys, “In private?”

“Where do you want them to go? Anything you want to tell me, you could say it in front of them.” And he gestured to the group of guys.

“Oh really?”

“Go ahead.”

“Okay.” She pulled out her phone and flung it on him. He picked it up saw the picture and said, “What’s this?”

“You tell me.” She replied while he shifted uncomfortably in his chair and took a mouthful of beer.

“Well it is what it is.”

“Fuck you Mason! I thought you’d use your brain, but apparently you don’t. She just turned fifteen. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“A man wants what he wants.”

“Bull-shit! You’re barely even a man, who I’m guessing doesn’t want his girlfriend.” He shifted again, drank the last mouthful of his beer and looked at her. “So that’s it? If that’s what you want.” She turned to walk away, but got stopped by his statement of “What I want? What about what you want Alex? I can’t give you that anymore. What more do you want from me?”

“What I want from you? An explanation Stefan, but in other words, nothing.” She took her phone and stormed out of his house with not a tear in sight, only anger and frustration.

That evening, all the girls were gathered in the park under their favorite Almond tree, waiting for Alex to arrive.

“How did you know I’d be here?” she asked in surprise.

“It’s your favorite place to think.” said a girl, coming from behind the tree.

“Daisy!” shouted Alex as she hugged her friend.

“I come home two weeks late and find you with a broken heart?”

“It’s not broken. When did you land?”

“About two hours ago.”

“And you came here?”

“Well yeah, Mel told me everything so I had to come.”

They sat on the branches of the almond tree and listened to what happened. They were all speechless, completely mortified by what Alex was saying, shocked by the disbelief of Stefan’s behavior, because he never acted like this before. That night, they were at Daisy’s house, helping unpack and listening to the story of her trip. Daisy also gave the girls gifts she’d gotten them on her trip; a French pastry book for Rose, a colorful charm bracelet for Kiki, chocolate from Spain for Leela and Skyler, an original British novel in mint condition for Melissa and for Alex, a shoulder bag from Venice. All night long, the girls watched movies, danced to their favorite music and made goodies, embracing the memories of the beginning of their friendship.

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