Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It was the third week of school and there wasn’t any sign of Mason.


DAY 11

(On the phone)


“D. Where’s Mason”

“By me. Why?”

“No one’s seen him and they’re coming to me for answers.”

“Just tell them, he isn’t any of your business.”

“I did, but, I’m also curious myself.”

“I wonder why?”

“What are you guys up to?”

“Nothing much.”

“Can I come over?”


“Why not?”

“He doesn’t want you here.”

“Oh. Okay, well just tell him I said…never mind, bye.”

That night, Alex tossed and turned in her bed. She was having a nightmare which showed her friend being sick and going through a lot of pain. Seeing her friend at their extent she tried to reach them but instantly woke up. When reality struck, Alex found herself sitting where she lay gasping for breath as if she’d ran five miles and on the brink of tears. Those tears finally crawled their way down her cheeks and onto her colorful bedspread. After a moment of soft cries recapping the horrid dream, Alex texted her friend.

‘Heyyy wats up?’

‘Nun wbu?’ replied her friend

‘Is there something yuh not telling me?’

‘Of course there is’

‘U ok? U sick?’

‘Yh ah hav de cole’

‘Want me take care of u?’

‘Wud luv u 2’

‘I serious’

‘Me 2’

‘Ok, I comin over’

The time was three o’clock in the morning when Alex left her mother a note telling her where she would be and her reason for being there. Alex’s mom Clara and Damian’s mom Perri had been best friends since kindergarten, so it was expected for the two of them to be at each others’ houses a lot.



Another week had gone by and there was still no sign of Mason, leaving many people worried. During the time they had between the end of first period and the beginning of second, she saw him, Mr. Playboy himself walking with his ‘partner in crime’ Damian White and a lust-struck group of girls. To Alex, Stefan looked much better than he did since she last saw him and that caused a smile to grow upon her face. Alex ran her way through the girls and hugged Stefan tight. About thirty seconds later the bell went, causing Alex to release Stefan and speed of to her next class.

Little did she know of his true feelings. For the entire day from then on, Mason ignored her, pretending that she didn’t even exist. For the rest of the week, Alex was ignored, as if she was nothing, proving that it wasn’t just their relationship, but any chances of them being friends was also destroyed.


DAY 13

For a while, Alex felt hurt that Mason ignored her, but thanks to the girls, she quickly got over that feeling. No more, was he that bony, scruffy, dirty, run-down looking guy, here was Stefan Mason, the hottest guy in class, captain of the Lacrosse team, Mr. Playboy extraordinaire, himself. To Alex, he was no longer the guy she knew, he was the guy everyone expected him to be like; his big brother.

After taking a week off from the dramas of school, Alex went on a little vocation with her family to Paris, France. She returned the same, but something was different about her. Everyone said that since the day Alex and Stefan got together, she’d changed. She’d cut back on volunteering, she’d slacked off a bit at rehearsals and wasn’t as focused during any of her practices; she spent as much time as she could with him. In other words, she got clingy, but not anymore.

No more was she that clingy, squeaky, cares what everyone thinks about her, obsessed kind of girl, here was Alexandria Destiny Bennette aka Alex, head dancer, choir member and choreographer, track runner and football player. She was becoming her old self again, but needed one more thing to be who she really is, and lucky her, the seasons were in her favor.

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