A Royal conundrum. Windsor, England.

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Harry's Perspective.

Driving down the long and winding country roads through the heart of England is always a pleasure to me. I so rarely get the opportunity to drive myself around given that I'm on the road so much and there is something incredibly peaceful and satisfying about being out and about in the world passing by hundreds of strangers without any of them having any idea that I am there. No requests for photos, no sly glances across a crowded room, just me and my music barrelling down the lanes, possibly a little over the speed limit as the lush green fields of England fly past my windows.

As much as I am enjoying the drive and the peace and quiet, I can't help but wish that Maddie were here with me to sing along to the Stones album I currently have playing. Or to crack jokes or even spill something on the expensive leather interior of my car. I only left her late last night, but I already miss her like crazy, what has gotten into me? I'm not normally like this, normally I'm quite happy to have some space and time away from anyone I've been in a relationship with. Which is a good thing really as often I don't have a choice in the matter with my job, and often the women I've dated have had equally crazy schedules too. Still, with Maddie, whenever she's not here, it's like a part of me is missing. God if I'm this sappy after just a few weeks, there's really no hope for me at all.

When I finally reach my destination, a delightfully quaint-looking old style country manor house which has been turned into a hotel, I quickly locate a parking space and shut off the engine. I've barely managed to shut the car door before a familiar voice calls out from somewhere behind me.

"Well, well well, long time no see Styles!"

"Ben! It's good to see you mate." I say as we exchange a brief hug in greeting, clapping each other heartily on the back. Ben Winston has been one of my closest friends for years now, I met him in the very early days of the band, and he sort of took me under his wing. Even being kind enough to let me live in his attic for a while in London whilst my house was being renovated after Louis, and I moved out of our flat. I have a lot of fond memories of living there, immersing myself in family life when things were going so crazy with the band really helped me to stay grounded. He and his wife Meredith are like family to me, even more so since they had their baby daughter, Ruby and gave me the honour of being her Godfather. I try and see them as much as I can, but with me travelling all the time and Ben now living in LA where he is the executive producer of James Corden's Late Late Show, we don't get to spend as much time together as either of us would like.

We pick a table outside in the glorious early summer sunshine and settle ourselves in for a good old catch up. Ordering a couple of drinks and a meal from a smartly dressed waiter who doesn't so much as bat an eyelid at our presence. I guess he's got his eyes peeled for someone much more interesting than Ben and me today. You see the other reason why Ben and I are here in Windsor is that tomorrow is Prince Harry and Megan Markle's wedding. As a Brit, I grew up in awe of the Royals, this perfect family who seemed to have the entire world at their feet. I know a lot of people who think that maybe the monarchy has had their time and are an outdated concept, but I'm not one of them, the history and grandeur that surrounds them is mesmerising to me. You've only got to look around the old cobbled streets of Windsor to see that many people feel the same. Already hundreds of people line the procession route, some with blankets and even tents settling in for a nights stay by the security barriers, wanting to secure the best possible spot to watch the royal couple drive past tomorrow on their way to the church.

I'm not attending the ceremony itself, I'm not nearly important or close enough to the couple to have warranted an invite to that, but Prince Harry himself called me a couple of weeks ago to ask if I maybe wanted to attend the reception, and possibly, even sing for them, and of course, there was absolutely no way on earth I was going to say no. When Royalty calls and asks you to do something like that, you'd have to be an idiot to refuse really. I'm just happy that my touring schedule allowed me to be here.

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