4: My Little Angel

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"Dizzy my little angel

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"Dizzy my little angel." Sam said.

"I can't believe you're here!" she squealed giving her another huge hug.

"Its nice to see you to Dizzy. I was wondering if I could do my hair." Sam answered, smiling. She let go of her and grinned.

"Before I get started, how far can I go?" she said.

"Sky's the limit. I wanna see what you can do. Then crank it up. Can you do that." Sam replied with a slight grin.

Dizzy clapped her hands together, holding back a squeal.

"I haven't seen you in forever." Dizzy repeated, giving Sam another hug.

"I know." Sam said, twirling her hair with her finger, pondering what else to say to her.

"You know since you and Anthony broke up,"

"Thanks for reminding me."

"Anytime."Dizzy said, clapping her hands together. She pulled Sam by her hair, so she could reach her ear. "Are you and Harry-."

Sam rolled her eyes.

"Is it that obvious?" Sam asked, standing up next to Dizzy, twisting her fingers through her hair.

Dizzy only smirked, taking Sam's hand and sitting her in the salon chair. Dizzy made a frame with her fingers, looking at what she could do for Sam.

"Are you just going to let her do whatever she wants to you?" Maddie asked, sitting on the counter next to the cash register.

"It's her job." Sam said.

"You trust a thirteen year old to do your hair?"

"Dizzy's a special person." Sam said. "She always fixes my hair."

"You know when you didn't go to the Queen of Hearts." Dizzy reminded.

"That was once." Sam said. "Or twice."

"You make a good case for yourself." Maddie commented. Sam stuck her tongue out at Maddie as Dizzy cut the tension in the air by sticking Sam's hair in a bin of water, using bottles of old shampoo to give her hair 'a healthy glow' as she had said so many times before. Sam thought she was rubbing aggressively at her scalp to express how she felt.

Maddie watched Dizzy put the curlers in her hair, to give Sam's naturally wavy hair more curls. Harry seemed bored, to say the least. And Sam seemed to notice with her eyes closed.

"Hey Harry." Sam said as Harry looked up from where he was sitting, his hat over his eyes.


"You can go if you want."

"I'll see you later, right?" Harry said. "After you go to your sister's party for a school that you don't attend."

"Mhm." Sam said, feeling his lips brush fingers.

"Okay." Harry said, disappearing through the beaded curtain. Dizzy took the sheers, snipping them teasingly as she cut Sam's wet hair.

"You know now that he's gone. Can we talk about you two." Dizzy said, as Sam muttered a few curses under her breath.

"I really can't deal with another person telling me, I have problems, I'm pretty sure I know that by now."

"We love a problematic." Maddie said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "We love a scandalous one too. And you are truly both."

"I don't really know how I feel about that." Sam said, as Dizzy spun her around and led her to a mirror. "But I love what you did with my hair."

"Way to change the subject, Sam." Maddie said, motioning to the blonde who examined her hair in the mirror.

"Oh shut up, Mads." Sam said, sticking her tongue out at her, earning a laugh from Maddie. "Talk about me when I'm in the mood."

"But you're never in the mood." Dizzy pointed out, as Sam handed her a wad of money. "Sam. You really don't have to give me this."

"I don't. But I felt like it." Sam said, fixing her jacket's collar. "You should hide that so someone doesn't steal it from you."

"I believe you already stole this from someone," Maddie said.

"Well duh." Sam said, rolling her eyes. "How do you think we live here. We steal from the thief who steals from the queen who steals from the pirate who steals from the witch etcetera."

"I don't know what you just said." Dizzy said, shaking her head slightly.

"I don't either." Sam said. "Don't make me repeat it."

"Hey Maddie." Dizzy said. "Do you want me to fix your hair?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah." Dizzy said, nodding her head. "Your my friend, so I'll do your hair."

Maddie sat in the salon chair Sam had just vacated.

"How far can I go?" Dizzy asked.

"The works. Whatever you feel is right." Maddie said.

Dizzy nodded, rinsing Maddie's hair in the bin, causing Maddie's untameable mane to frame her face. Maddie absentmindedly watched Sam as she observed the shop, seeing what changes had been made while she was gone.

Maddie smiled as she looked at the finish product of her hair in the mirror, her hair was straight now, and bangs framed her face, her hair back to its shorter length.

"Thanks Dizzy." Maddie said, getting up and giving her a hug.

"Your welcome." Dizzy said, beaming. "I'll see you guys again right."

"Yeah." Sam said. "I also need to go fight with Evie. How dare she say she was going to show up, but she didn't. It's always me that does that."

"Sisters are so weird." Dizzy whispered to Maddie as they giggled, Sam had already disappeared out to the outside.

"Sam!" Maddie said, running to catch up with her friend. "You left me."

"Huh? Oh sorry." Sam said. "I forgot."

"Yeah your too focused in arguing with your sister." Maddie said.

"Yeah." Sam said. "I don't really know what time it is, but I'm pretty sure it's almost noon."

"Its almost noon?" Maddie said. "Oh, it's tea time."

"Tea time?"

"Mmhm." Maddie hummed. "I'll see you later Sam."

"Oh, Bye."

Maddie opened her eyes, returning to reality, turning to the clock on the table, and sure enough Sam was right, it was almost noon.

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