Chapter 6

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- Mitch's POV-

I planned on asking Jerome to marry me today so I was going to have us go to the beach and we would eat dinner and then I would ask him.

"JEROME!" I yell he comes running over to me

" what do you need?" He asks.

" well, I wanted to go on a date with you tonight dress fancy. " I say.

" ok what time?" he asks

" around 7 so be ready. " I says

" ok love you. " Jerome says I kiss him and then I go and find the rest of the guys and tell them about my plan I have violet and Preston set up the dinner on the beach.
Savannah and Lachlan were going to be cooking the food along with Vikk. Rob was helping preston and Violet set up.

- Violet's POV-

We are at the store looking for decorations and I have the perfect plan there is this hill and it has trees on it so we are going to hang fairy lights from that then have a blanket laying on the ground and have the food on that it's going to be perfect. We pay for the stuff and then we go and set up the stuff I am too short to hang up the lights.

" Babe I need help, " I say looking at him and trying to hang the lights up. Sense he is taller than me he hangs the lights up. 

" thanks. " I say

" your welcome babe, " he says kissing my forehead. I blush.  Then we help Rob set up the blanket and the food that Savannah and Lachlan made it was 7 and we hid behind the trees and we see Jerome and Mitch walk over.

- Jerome's POV-

So we walk to the beach and there is this cliff that it's decorated really pretty.

" Omg, this is so pretty. " I say

"the Pack helped me set this all up," Mitch says.

" well, this is great. " I say and we start eating and talking about random things.

" so Jerome,  I have been in love with you sense I first met you and I am so happy that you are my boyfriend but I really want to be more then that.. "  he got down on one knee. And opens a small box

" Jerome, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Mitch asks

" yes, of course, I will. " I say we kiss and then he slides that ring onto my finger. Then the whole pack comes out from behind the tree. 

" omg, that was so cute,  congrats. " Violet says then we all go home and film more videos and I am so happy that I never stopped smiling I am going to marry the love of my life and have all my friends in the wedding.

-Violet's POV-

Mitch and Jerome are going to be getting married in the spring. I am so happy for them my god they are so cute together. We get home and we film videos and talk about there plans for the wedding, the whole pack will at the wedding along with Rob and Vikk's girlfriends. The color of there wedding are black and red the girls will probably be in red dressed the guys will wear black suits. It going to be so much fun.  I can't wait to help them plan there wedding. Then we all get hungry and we order pizza and we watch some of me of me and Savannah's videos they are really painful to watch are so cringe.  There is one episode we're we made our self in the Sims and I  we got to make our boyfriends and mine looked a lot like preston.

" I though you said you didn't like me before you met me in real life?" Preston says.

"That not what I said at all I said I found you really attractive before but I don't fall in love with people just based on looks. " I say

" So you did kinda have a crush on him then?" Jerome asks

"yeah kinda. " I say. Then we continue to watch the video and it just got even more awkward because Savannah's was Lachlan I just never noticed.

" omg, this is my favorite part. we each had to make a ship in the Sims and I made Merome and I think it's adorable." I say

" I made Vikless. " Savannah says laughing. After we all get bored and Preston carries me up the stairs and sets me on my bed but I grab his hand right before he leaves.

"babe let's move your stuff in Here and then we can cuddle all the time. " I say.

" Omg, that's a great idea. " Preston says.  I get up and help him move everything in its great.

" now I can cuddle with you forever. " I say snuggling really close to him.

" It's going to be sad when you leave. " Preston says.

" I know but then you guys will come up to Michigan and see us a few weeks after we leave and we will eventually move back down here. "I say.

" what if you move back down her me right after we come up there and spend a week with you guys?" Preston says

" Can I bring Fuzzy?" I ask

" yes of course. "Preston says 

" Yay. " I say

" you sure do love that dog don't you?" he asks

" yeah,  I mean he has always been there for me and he is good at cuddling. " I say

" Is he better than me at cuddling?" Preston ask.

" no, he is not better than you at cuddling,  why do you ask is Preston jealous?" I ask

" Me jealous no....... Maybe. " he says

" don't be jealous, fuzzy may be cute but he is not as cute as you. " I say he starts blushing.

"fuzzy and me maybe cute but we have nothing compared to you. " He says making me blush. I cuddle closer to him and he kisses me and then we both fall asleep.

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