Chapter Seven

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Aaric sat in the back of the auditorium next to the stagehand's booth. Brooke stood before the pups, explaining what it meant to be a good mate and how the mating process commenced. Each word she spoke, he hung onto for dear life. Everything she said was written down in his mental notebook, allowing him to refresh on what he needed to know for when he finally got to mate with Azalea.

It did not matter what she said before. The two were soulmates, and they would soon be forced to be in one another's arms. Soon, Azalea would be all his, and they would be mating under the pale moonlight.

"Well, you seem quite infatuated with her speech," Cedric teased as he squeezed Aaric's shoulder.

"I can't help it. I should freshen up for when I see Azalea next. I need for her to trust me so I can come out as a werewolf to her," he explained. "And for when we do mate, I should freshen that up as well."

"At least you're excited. I was quite worried over what your reaction would be when you found out she was human," Cedric commented. "That doesn't always go over so well with wolves, especially alpha's, and you need her to-"

"Say no more," Aaric smiled. "I love her already. She is my other half, and I am hers. It does not matter what chaos we will endure. I shall gain the love and respect of her parents so I will be able to love her relentlessly. The day she falls in love with me..." he swooned, "that will be the happiest day of my life."

"Well, with the mate bond, she will be falling for you just as fast as you are for her," Cedric encouraged.

Aaric knew it to be true. All mates were connected to one another, as though a red string was tied to each of their fingers, leading them straight to their life partner. The moment mates gaze into one another's eyes, they are instantly drawn to one another. They are unable to get the other out of their head, and their wolves continuously are on edge until they are able mate, what with them being the horny bastards they are. And with him already feeling the strong urge to be by her side, she would soon feel the same way.

"After licking the mark-"

The floors began to quake, cutting Brooke off from her sentence on aftercare. The whole auditorium looked at one another. Aaric demanded that Cedric and Daryn stay back and protect the pups. Clive was called to stand by his side and help, as he did have beta blood in him. If it weren't for his older brother, he would be beta. But with Robin being in the hospital, Clive took on the role of being a backup right hand man with pride.

The two heard heavy breathing from across the hall. Peeking into the library, they saw three students jump in through the window and down the hidden stairwell to the underground library. Clive quickly picked the lock, but neither could open the door. They continued to push, unable to find their way inside.

Aaric continuously called for more people to help, but it was proving to be fatal. Screeches and shrieks were heard in the library, and when he spotted his mate running up the stairs, his wolf took over. Gone were the foggy green eyes of the alpha, replace with white smoke as he pushed the doors open, snapping the flag pole in half.

With Clive, he ran up to the window and gazed down to make sure she was not caught in the bushes. But there was no one there. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, unable to smell anything resembling his mate's scent.

"Move aside," he demanded as he stomped over to the hidden stairwell. Cedric and Daryn followed behind.

"What was that, Alpha?" Daryn questioned.

"I could have sworn that was my mate jumping out of the window, but I couldn't smell anything of her. The air reeked of-" He couldn't finish his statement. Everything was covered in the icky blue goop of the revenant's blood. He almost slipped and fell into the monster's debris, but he caught himself.

"You don't think your mate could have done this, do you?" Daryn asked. The two glanced his way. "I mean...she's human. Right?"

"It may not have been her for all we know. Her scent would be lingering even if it was covered in revenant blood, correct?" he asked Cedric.

"It's a gamble. Maybe, maybe not. I am not familiar with revenants." Shaking his head, he asked, "Did you see anything suspicious today?"

"No. It just seemed to be the usual. There were no stray animals around or anything. We scared them off," he answered.

"They can transform into humans," Daryn responded. Facing the bookshelf, he pulled out the last book and flipped through a few pages. He pointed at the revenant's page. "They can even appear to look like humans if they are near them enough and able to mimic their behaviors."

"Could that be who jumped out the window?" Aaric pondered.

"I hope not," Cedric gulped. The two other alphas faced the bookshelf, finding two books to be missing. "The dagger's gone, and so is enchantress's book. If a revenant has it...we could all be doomed."

"Well, then I am seriously hoping that that was your mate you saw jump out the window," Daryn groaned as he ran his hands over his face.

"I am, too...but I don't know. Her smell wasn't there. Even so, if she were a human, how would she know about the library? I purposefully drove her away from the book before she could touch it earlier today." He gasped and faced the alphas. "You don't think she could have snuck back inside, do you?"

"Check the security cameras," Cedric demanded as they all ran upstairs.

"Okay, so she's checking out a book- Did she just open the window?" Clive questioned.

"It doesn't look like she even realized it. Look, she's too invested in the book," Daryn defended.

As Azalea began to walk to the front desk, the camera instantly cut out. Long groans and violent curses spewed from everyone's mouths. A dead end.

"What the hell are we going to do, Alpha?" Clive asked.

"Right now...there's nothing we can do."

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