no choices.

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42852: JIMIN has several injuries, making him run slower.

Yoongi wasn't sure what to feel when he saw his character injured. Should he worry? Either Hoseok's theory was correct about them being the missing people or they have been fooled the whole time and it's really just a stupid coincidence that the characters in that game had the same names as the teenagers that disappeared.

The second choice would make more sense but it would neither explain the weird texts and help begging signals of his character nor would it explain the sudden lags on his computer.

It didn't take much longer until the game had texted him again, informing Yoongi that Jimin had fallen down. The Blue-haired teenager's head had shot to his right just to see Jimin laying on the floor of the house. His knife had dropped so the game had given Yoongi his next choices which were: "JIMIN dropped the knife! HIDE or GRAB THE KNIFE?"

His answer was clear. He chose 'GRAB THE KNIFE'

As his fingers had typed the words and sent them to the game, he watched Jimin's hand move quickly as he grabbed the knife which had been laying on the floor. The room's darkness made it once again difficult for Yoongi to notice his character's surroundings. Was he in danger?

His question had been answered as soon as Jimin's expression changed to a scared one. It was coming after Jimin's. It was everywhere. The problem was.. who is 'it'.

42852: ?!!#3 (%! grabs JIMIN! Health falling. . . FIGHT BACK or GIVE A LIVE to help JIMIN?

Yoongi had noticed one certain thing; the game was always requesting for his to give up his lives. What would happen if he managed to lose up his last live? He had to avoid it no matter what. He wasn't certain what would happen if he actually used up all his lives, causing him to choose 'FIGHT BACK'.

42852: JIMIN uses the knife! ?!!#3 (%! is injured. RUN or HIDE? 'RUN
42852: JIMIN is running. . . STAMINA: 15/100

"What the hell? There wasn't stamina before?" Yoongi cursed under his breath as soon as he had realized that the game just added something that didn't exist before.

The next message literally grabbed his attention the most out of all messages up until now.


Yoongi could still hear his friend's voice, telling him to make the right choices and to not mess up yet here he is requesting for Yoongi's help. He didn't think much of it and tried to firstly save Jimin which was literally crawling on the ground.

Jimin was now out of ?!!#3 (%!'s sight which made a relived sigh escape the older boy's mouth.

He had always hated those horrible moments in life when you just tense up for a stupid reason, most of those moments happen during the time where you watch movies and a scene appears that tenses you up, such as for example a scene where two people are running away from a bunch of people and nearly get caught or another example is a scene where the main character finds out about a secret that has a huge impact to the movie.

Yoongi had always hated those moments while Hoseok had loved them. They sure were different types of people, like the sun and the moon. He was the moon of course.


There it was again. Now Yoongi had enough clues to prove his theory right. Their character's health depends on their phone's battery. His phone was at 54% and Jimin's health too.

42852: WARNING! JUNGKOOK got injured! JIMIN is hiding. . . WARNING! JUNGKOOK now has 5 injuries! JIMIN is hiding. . . JUNGKOOK'S HEALTH UPDATE: 53%! JIMIN is hiding. . . STOP HIDING or KEEP HIDING?

What the heck was Hoseok doing? Wasn't he the one telling Yoongi to be careful and avoid wrong decision? Even though he still had all his 3 lives didn't mean he could act so reckless and throw his character into a fight he would never be able to win. Whatsoever Yoongi decided to stop hiding and help his dear friend.

42852: JIMIN is currently bleeding! Use YOONGI's live to restore to full health?


42852: JIMIN continues to bleed. . . WARNING! JUNGKOOK has 9 injuries! JUNGKOOK is being attacked! REQUESTED HELP BY: HOSEOK

Yoongi couldn't make out his friend's actions. "Why won't he use one of his lives?" His thoughts were filled with confusion. Was he planning on killing his character? If his own theory was true and these were really the missing teenagers, then he was surely trying to kill Jungkook. He chose to help Jungkook once the question appeared.

42852: JIMIN is running upstairs. . . JIMIN sees JUNGKOOK USE KNIFE or WAIT?

Yoongi had noticed before that the game is trying to make it impossible to see what's happening in the house through the computer screen. It was way too dark for anyone to even see the room's colors. All you could see were figures and the shining hair color of Jimin. Blonde. His character had Blonde bleached hair. So, he waited until he could see more on the screen.

After he had typed 'WAIT', he immediately regretted it. The black figure had thrown a not so soft punch at Jungkook, giving him the 10th injury by now.

42852: !!! WARNING!!! JUNGKOOK is about to die! Health critically low! HELP JUNGKOOK or WAIT?




42852: MESSAGE: RUN Yoongi, you only have 1 live, I still have 3. RESPOND TO HOSEOK or CLOSE?

Hoseok was right and Yoongi knew that no matter how much he hated to run away, he had to. It was his only chance to survive through this night. Jimin was too injured to pick a fight and actually win. He closed his friend's message and was about to order Jimin to run, which he gladly did without Yoongi even telling him.

42852: JIMIN is hiding. . .

"Wait what? I didn't get a choice??" Jimin was acting on his own now.

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