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Cooth Evergreen

(Voice: Think Zuko from Avatar: Last Airbender)

I've never been one for party's. I'd rather be at my dorm right now, drinking alone rather than with these shitty collage frat idiots. Technically I shouldn't even be drinking at all, I've still got a month and a half, but I've never been one to follow rules. Word about me, I'm a bit of a odd guy. I don't fit in anywhere. I look like trash constantly and I just don't have friends. I come to Frat party's as a final friendship 911 but it never works. Not in the slightest. I've been filled with hatred all my life, to my parents, my peers, my teachers, and even my life. Why was it so hard to do anything social? I blame how I was raised...

No matter the issues I face with social situations, I'm far from awkward or shy. People just don't like me. I'm curt, I'm kinda flat, I'm rude, and I'm not a hunk, I'm a damn string bean. Dark colors make up my wardrobe and black hair accent really unnatural deep honey yellow eyes. I've never had siblings before, so I don't even really know how to take care of anyone. Been alone all my life and though I try to change that I just kinda repel people.

Yet here I am. Loud music nobody likes make the base of the flashing lights. The scent of alcohol accents the regretful decisions being made all over the place. It's disgraceful.

Looking around, I notice many different groups of people. We have the basic white bitch's with their 'Omg' text talk bullshit. Pass. The jocks. I'm not even going to try. Next. The gothics. I like the sense of style, but beyond that their attitude bugs me. You want to die because the world doesn't understand you. We get it. I want to die too. Doesn't mean the public has to know. The graduates. This is the group of nerds that become so awkward at a frat party they stand in the corner frozen in fear hoping nobody finds out the cup in their hand is filled with water, not vodka. Moving on. We have the bad boys. I can associate myself with them. They dress like me. They think a little like me. Only difference is the fact they know how to get with girls and whatnot. Hell if I know how to do that. But. There's a possibility that if I can get them to allow my presence, I could learn a thing or two...

So I set off to the group of leather jackets and motorcycle helmets.

The conversation is not what I was expecting.

"Pulled a guy over today on shift, he was wearing a star handkerchief on his head and a red striped polo. Couldn't look more stupid if you ask me."

"What did you pull him over for?" One of the others said.

"Expired plates. Nothing too extraordinary."

"He have registration?" The guy asked.

"Yeah. Turns out he forgot to put on the new stickers for it though. I let him off with a warning."

"I'd have done the same. Not too much you can be cruel about if he's got most of the law down I suppose."

These are not the bad guy group. This is the undercover cop section. What the fuck- why are they partying?? God, somebody has to say something, were all gonna get arrested.

I snuck away from the group to find the host. On my way there I bumped into a lady with a drink, classic move. Corse, the drink spilled on her shirt and the smell of alcohol was apparent. "Fuck, I'm sorry, let me get you something to clean that up-"

And of corse, she got pissed and hit me. I ain't fighting back, I'm not a fucking brute. She didn't hit hard but it still stung a bit.

"Why can't you watch where you're going?! Are you fucking serious right now?! You drunk bastard!" She yelled, trying to dry her shirt. "If you touch me I'll scream."

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