Chapter 5

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I'm on my way to the post office the day after finals scores came in. We were returned the piece we had made for the final and the grade that was given to us for it.

I had gotten an A. I wasn't surprised, I had done this many times before. But I was going to send the coat in to Chastopher along with the grade so he knows he can wear it with pride.

It was a white doctors coat this time. Not the same one Night almost ruined. That was sent into him a long time ago.

This one was a bright pristine doctors jacket meant for Chastopher to wear in his career. I know its gonna be big on him for now, but once he gets to wear it, he'll be on field work and looking great too. I'm so proud of him.

About halfway to the post office, I begin to cross the street at the light when I hear sirens and screeching tires. I ignore it continuing to move across the walkway.

And it gets louder.

'Charlie, move faster.'

"Don't tell me what to do, asshole. I'm in no rush."

'You should be. Go.'

"Fuck off, Night!" I told him.

Arguing with this little shits got me distracted and the screeching comes around a corner.

Expecting him to stop, I continue to walk across the pathway.

He never stopped.


That's all I could hear. I attempted to move out of the way, but I was not fast enough.

The feeling of being hit by a car was beyond scary. You feel nothing. Just the hit, but other than that, nothing.

And then you realize that the reason you feel nothing is because you no longer have a body to feel things in.

Holy shit I'm dead.

I see the car speeding off, and the officers follow, a couple of them stopped at the broken mass that once was my body.

"Night?!" I yell, but there's no answer.

"NIGHTMARE!" I scream.


"Cooth?!" No response to even his real name.

I feel warm, light, a little bit floaty. The world around me starts to get brighter. I turn around to see a bright orb of light shifting around me.

And it's warm the closer it gets to me.

I reach out to touch it, but am suddenly almost violently pulled back into the real world.

Warmth was gone, but there was no pain. I sit up and breathe. "What-"

'You're lucky I like you.' Came the familiar voice of my nightmare.


The officers around me are confused as they call for an ambulance.

I'm confused as to why I'm back in my body and n o t in pain.

'Rest. I'll explain later.'

I lay down and for once am happy to comply to the orders of this nightmare.


I wake up in a hospital, the heart monitor hooked up to me. I'm a little sore, but not in complete pain.

"Charlie?" I heard Night ask.

I look to we're I heard the voice come from.

"Did you... did you do this?"

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