9. Atlantic Regional Part 3: Results

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Beyoncé Giselle Knowles
June 6, 2018
Atlanta, Georgia

I was being shaken up as someone softly whispered my name.

I didn't bother to open my eyes because anybody that was willing to interrupt my sleep after being up all damn night, definitely had a death wish.

"Bey, Nic?"

I groaned, realizing that the culprit had yet to stop their rude interruption.

I could feel Nicki moving beside me, but she had yet to speak a word.

After that everything just seem to come to me all at once.

Everything that transpired last night seem to cause my body an extreme amount of soreness.

From fighting and then having Nicki fuck the shit out of me, like some horny ass animal. My muscles were so tense I did not want to move.

My thoughts keep going back to last night and when Nicki came in, i noticed her eyes were different, like she was on something.

I really can't believe that I had blacked her eye and busted her lip.

I'm not going to lie when she came home and I seen her face, i felt really guilty.

"Wah' yah asses up." The voice that I knew only belonged to, the bajan known none other then Robyn, Rang throughout my ears.

The sunlight peeked it beneath our gold curtains and was now prancing along my face.

I slowly cracked my eyes open and was met with piercing green eyes.

I cleared my throat preparing myself to talk.

"Dam Finally, Me, Lo, an' Zani bout tah go, and wha da hell 'appened to Nic face?

I could hear the anger in Robs voice. I swallowed ready to confess that I had lost control.

I gave an uneasy smile before sighing.

"Well yesterday at the hospital this bitch Bernice tried me." I say .

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain what happened to Nic's face." Lo says looking at me questioningly.

Nicki was still passed out beside me. One arm behind her head and her mouth slightly open.

"Okay well, everything got out of hand really. And I ended up spazzing and Beating her and Nicki ass cause I walked in the bathroom and they was all hugged up." I say using my hands as I talked.

"Whatttt?! Youuuu blacked Onika's eye?!" Lo says with her eyes wide with surprise. Rih was laughing her ass off beside Lo, with Zani propped on her hip.

"Y-You blacked dah midgets ey'" Rih was literally in tears.

"Aye, you long neck bitch watch your mouth." I hear Nicki's sleep filled voice, croak out beside me.

My eyes immediately went to her, to find her staring daggers into Rih.

She always looked so beautiful in the morning even wit her bruised eye and fat lip.

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