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"I'm going to miss you, Elijah," drawled Aislyn as she entered the hallway, "but as much as I love you, I'm afraid I'm a person in high demand, so we," gesturing to Logan and Jackson, who had stepped out into the hallway behind her, "will be returning home now."

Elijah smiled a slow, unjoyful smile that set Aislyn's teeth on edge.

Ignoring the chill that ran down her spine, Aislyn turned to her brother and asked him, "Do you have a carriage to get back home?"

Replying by only shaking his head, Aislyn looked back to Elijah and said, "And we'll be needing transportation... it's the least you could do."


Elijah wasn't a man to be trusted, that much was blatantly obvious to Aislyn. But what she didn't understand about him was he's relentless easiness. He never got riled up at her antics, in fact, sometimes she felt like he even humoured them. She had never expected to get out of prison, at least not legally, so she was surprised when he turned up two months ago, offering to drop all her charges, his only stipulation being that she had to be released into the custody of her brother.

Aislyn fancied herself a decent judge of character and an expert at being to work people out, yet, she just couldn't understand Elijah. The day after he ventured into the prison deep below the Council House, she was released put up in one of the fanciest rooms she had ever beheld, she was already making demands and request. And for some reason, unbeknownst to her, Elijah had obliged her. 

Indulged her.

He doted on her like a pet and she didn't like it one bit. 

Aislyn smoothed out her tunic and turned to the remaining councilmen, "I can't say I'll miss you lot because- well, I can see the tops of those sticks you guys have shoved so far up your arses poking out your mouths."

Ignoring the splutters of indignation, and the gasp from her brother, Aislyn gestured to her bags and said, "Shall we?"

Lying on the floor, there were three large trunks and one bag. Jackson reached for two of the suitcases and as Logan reached for the last one and the bag Aislyn said, "Not that one." and picked it up herself.

Jackson lifted one of the suitcases he exclaimed, "Shit, this is heavy! What do you have in here?"

Glancing at the suitcases Aislyn replied "Stop being nosey" cocking her hip she added, "important stuff."

Jackson's reply came as a grunt as he lifted both suitcases, muscles bulging.

"A word, Jackson and Logan, before you depart," called Elijah, hands fold neatly before him.

"As per my agreement with Aislyn, I am releasing her into your custody, Jackson. You will be held accountable for any... misdemeanours. Are you willing to agree to this?"

"Custody?" Asked Jackson with a furrowed brow, "Why? I mean, she's twenty-three..."

"It was part of a deal I made with her in exchange from shortening her prison sentence."

"Prison?!" Exclaimed Jackson and Logan at the same time.

Aislyn had the decency to look sheepish as she bit her lip and swayed side to side.

"It was a misunderstanding, Jackson," she said in a sing-song voice, looking up at him from under her eyelashes.

"So, do you agree?" Repeated Elijah.

"Of course, I do," answered Jackson, not a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"Perfect. Now there is one more matter we have to address. We'd appreciate it if you were to reassume the payments. As you can see," he paused, gesturing to Aislyn, "we are working tirelessly to try and manage the situation."

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