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After rooting around in as many unlocked rooms as she could, Aislyn finally went into her bedroom.

The air that greeted her was cold and stale. Aislyn could tell no-one had been in there for a long time. And it was exactly how she had remembered it.

A window to her right, a door to her washroom on her right.

Opposite the doorway she was still stood in, was her bed, adorned with old blankets made of so many materials and colours it hurt her eyes. On either side were hardwood bedside cabinets.

All furniture in the Community House was the same, dark wood from the surrounding trees, made years before Aislyn was born.

To her right, tucked away in the corner was a small wardrobe. Next to it, a chest of drawers covered with old knickknacks; stones, ornaments, trinkets that she had collected over the years.

To her left was a small circular table with two chairs.

Aislyn walked in and immediately pulled off her shoes, sulking at the smell that emanated from inside them. Pinching them between two fingers, she opened the door to her washroom and threw them inside, quickly shutting it after her.

She threw her bag onto her bed, coughing at the cloud of dust that sprouted up.

"My day just keeps getting better."

Opening her bag, Aislyn pulled out her kit of throwing knives and her suit and placed them on her bed.

Taking off her all of her clothing she put on a plain black underclothes and went to go grab her suit but she halted at seeing her reflection in the floor-length mirror. Straightening up, she walked over to it and looked at herself in the mirror, grimacing when she noticed just how skinny she was.

Before she got locked away, she had a curvy body but more importantly than that, she had muscle. She had never been that skinny, thanks to her extensive training, however, she had always been slim with a womanly figure. Looking at herself now, she could see bones jutting out from under her scarred skin and she could easily count her ribs.

She turned around to grab the bodysuit and pull it on, as well as a pair of heavy, black combat boots. She then began testing the coils hidden within her suit and inserting knives into the mechanism once it was set.

Straightening up, she walked over to a wall and threw out her arm. A star-shaped shuriken flew out and embedded itself into the wall. She then tapped the front of her shoes against the floor and two more blades emerged but stayed in the boot. Walking over to the wall, she kicked with one foot, happy when she saw the hole left in the wall and that the blade had stayed in place. Once she had tested out a few other hidden weapons, she reset the coils and hid them all again.

She stopped.

"Fuck, shit, bollocks!"

Running over to the wall she just realized what she had done. Hopping from foot to foot, she grimaced, "For fuck's sake, this is all I need."

Turning around, grumbling under her breath, she began braiding her hair into a loose plait that she tucked into her suit and zipped herself up. She picked up her mask and placed it over her head and buttoned the bottom of it to the neck of her suit.

She went and stood in front of the mirror. Looking at herself she smiled. That suit was her pride and joy, she had spent a fortune on the materials she needed to make it. It was made from a soft yet durable black leather with reinforced sections around her chest, elbows and knees.

Around her waist was a corset of sorts which helped with her posture and also made it harder for the suit to be taken off her. Three straps were running horizontally across it with buckles to secure it into place. Around her hips sat a belt of various weapons varying from throwing knives to two twin blades strapped to her back.

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