Chapter 9: Part 2

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Aislyn glowered at Galen before turning back to Logan, "I was born with just one. That's the reason I was kidnapped. The person that kidnapped me is collecting children with abilities, to run tests on them. When I was kidnapped, my... captor ran some experiments on me. Turns out that he infused my blood with that of others and I absorbed some form of their... gift. I have Galen's blood in me so that's why I can 'partially' shift and the communication belonged to someone else."

"But you weren't a child when you were kidnapped. You were eighteen."

Aislyn shrugged and replied, "That's what I was told."

"Told? By who?"

"Uhh, well, I heard it around."

"Aislyn, if you know something, you have to tell us and we can-"

"You can what?" She snapped, "Tell the Council. Tell dipshit Elijah?"

"I don't know, but we could do something."

"We," she gestured between Galen and herself, "are doing something. But we'll come back to that in a minute. Do you have any more questions?"

Logan sighed but asked Galen, "So do you have any other abilities?"

Shaking his head, Galen replied, "No, for some reason, Aislyn was the only one to ever be able to use more than one."

Nodding, Logan questioned, "So what else can you do? Apart from the freaky eye stuff."

Aislyn eyes flitted to Galen's for a brief moment before going back to Logan.

"Glamour, communication, minor healing, a form of transportation, underwater-"

"That's it!" exclaimed Logan, "That's why I saw you in the water!"

"Yes," replied Aislyn rolling her eyes.

"What was that thing with you? I only saw a glance before it disappeared under the water."

"He. Before he disappeared under the water," corrected Aislyn. She stretched out her legs and continued, "that was Finn, he's a mer creature. Half-fish, half-man."

Logan whistled.

"So what was the power you were born with then?"

"It's a secret... Look, we need your help," said Aislyn, in a serious tone, tired of all the questions, "We discovered that the Necromancer, that's what the guy who is kidnapping kids, is taking them to start an army. We can't go into specifics, but he wants to take control with an army with powers by his side."

Aislyn snuck a glance at Galen. She hadn't had a chance to tell him what had happened with Tyler so she was expecting a show of surprise. But to his credit, he kept his face neutral.

"Shit," muttered Logan.

"Anyway," explained Aislyn, "that where you come in. Galen and I will be disappearing off quite a bit to deal with this matter and I need you to cover for us. I don't want Jackson and Tamani getting involved, it will only put them in danger."

"You want me to sit back and let you guys do all the work? No way!" exclaimed Logan jumping to his feet, "I want in! I can help you, I am a shifter after all!"

All of a sudden, Aislyn sprang from her position and dived at Logan, tackling him to the floor where he lay winded.

She pinned his arms to the floor, "See how you couldn't stop me? You will stay here. You don't know what you're up against. You have no training, no discipline. You'd only get in our way and I won't have your death on my hands, they're full enough as it is already."

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