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Aislyn jumped onto a small, curved ledge above the wheel well and grabbed onto the roof, ducking down so she wouldn't be seen from the courtyard.

The carriage lurched forwards and drew off to the right, onto a small road, that was only used by the Council drivers.

As Aislyn clung to the side, she could hear Jackson and Logan talking inside. As much as she wanted to listen in on what they were saying, she concentrated on her surroundings.

Counting the shrubs they passed, Aislyn got to the sixth when she risked straightening her legs so she could see over the top of the carriage.

In front of her was the Council House, but fortunately for her, it was the backside, clear of any windows except from ones at the very top, six stories up where Elijah had his rooms.

To her left, from the road she had just come down, everything was clear. The courtyard was far away enough that she couldn't make anyone out.

To her right was the open road. Also empty.

And behind her were the Council House grounds. But the Council House wasn't a place many people willing came to, so Aislyn felt certain enough that no one was out there.

As the carriage rolled up to the seventh bush, Aislyn jumped off, her feet crunching on the gravel. As soon as she was steady, Aislyn ducked down and darted behind the bush, already dropping to her knees to crawl underneath it.

Aislyn began brushing away all the broken twigs, decaying leaves and mud to the side, revealing a rusty, old metal grate.

She rested on her knees and stuck her hands through the gaps, grabbing the bars. She pulled but her arms began to tremble and before she was ready for it to, the bars slipped from her fingers and the grate slammed back down into its place.

"Fucks sake," cursed Aislyn, slamming her hands on the ground

Grabbing a handful of dusty mud, she rubbed it into her hands and braced herself. Settling back on her heels, she wove her fingers around the bars and straightened her back. Smashing her teeth together, she pulled at the grate, willing it to lift.

Little by little, the grate lifted higher and higher until Aislyn was finally able to fall back, pulling it with her.

Panting she sat up, brushing her hands off on her trouser legs.

She peered into the tunnel, turning up her nose at the dark, dank void that awaited her. Pouting, she removed her shoes and tied the drawstrings together. She hung the shoes around her neck and with one final breath of clean air, Aislyn dropped into the tunnel.

Aislyn landed with a silent splash, echoed by her immediate cursing, followed by gagging.

Resisting the urge to jump right back out, Aislyn sloshed forward, feet squishing into things she didn't care to think about.

Eager to get out to the cesspit, Aislyn hurried along, ducking her head even lower than necessary to avoid touching anymore than she had to touch.

The tunnel was narrow, short. If Aislyn stretched her arms out, her fingers would graze the walls and she couldn't fully stand up.

The little light that seeped in from the tunnel's entrance finally sizzled out and Aislyn was left in total darkness. Even with her enhanced eyesight, Aislyn didn't have enough time to let her eyes adjust to the pitch-blackness.

Pointing a finger down the way she wanted to go, a tiny ball of flame burst from her fingertip and flew down the tunnel.

Aislyn breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the ball slam into the wall at the end, not twenty feet from where she stood and she hurried forwards.

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