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They both abruptly halted in their tracks and swung their heads over to the man.

"My name is Tyler. I hear you are looking for the Necromancer," he leant forward and braced his hands on the table, "well he's not here. But I'm his second in command. Talk to me."

Aislyn reached up to her throat and untied the second cloak, letting it pool at her feet, and ripped her handkerchief off too, flinging it away to the side.

"We're not here to talk," she sneered, flashing her teeth.

She reached behind with her left arm and drew a thin sword from its sheath, under her black cloak, and threw it in the air before catching in her right hand.

Tyler threw his head back and laughed.

"Cute. But I prefer to use my... natural talents."

He held up his hands to reveal silver sparks dancing between his fingertips.

"Bring it, bitch," she leered.

As Tyler flung his arms out, two currents of sparks erupted from the palms of his hand, Aislyn and Galen both dived to opposite sides to avoid being hit. Aislyn somersaulted through the air and rolled across the floor, stopping in a knelt position. Her hand shot inside her cloak and she pulled out two shurikens which she held up to Tyler. Grinning she winked at Tyler before setting them both alight in blue flame. She threw them, with one hand, with deadly precision; one lodging itself in the chest on a man who was making the metal objects in the room levitate, the other in the chest of a man who conjured up a wave of water.

Before either men had even hit the floor, Aislyn was already whirling to face Tyler who was speaking urgently to open of his colleagues. Aislyn averted her eyes from a split second to look at Galen who had slit the throat of one man and was making short work of the other.

Sheathing her sword, she replaced it with two throwing knives and refocused on Tyler and the remaining man. Seeing the man make a break for it, she launched both knives which met their target in the back of his calves. As the man went down screaming, she ran forward, kicking up water from the earlier wave, and slid across the table, knocking everything in her path over, landing a few feet away from Tyler.

Smirking, she said, "Let's see what those 'natural' talents can do."

Growling, the fake comradery façade dropped. Tyler began to pelt Aislyn with little currents that flew through the air at lightning speed. Aislyn just smiled and put one foot in front of another and walked slowly towards him, the small sparks burning into nothing as they hit her shield of fire. She could see a bead of sweat roll down his head as he backed further and further into the corner.

Although he continued his onslaught of sparks, he shouted, "He talks about you! His favourite! He wants you back."

"Well he's not getting me," she snarled, throwing open her shield.

The force made him fly back and hit the wall with a thud.

She glanced back over at Galen who had finished off his last assailant. Her gaze snapped over to the direction of where the man had fallen with her knives buried in his legs. Seeing the blades glistening red in the flickering light, she looked back to Galen and jerked her head back in their direction and said, "Go get him."

Galen ran towards the door and disappeared into the night.

Turning her attention back to Tyler she crouched down, maintaining her distance and asked, "Where is he?"

"I'm not going to tell you," he laughed at her.

Aislyn curled her lip at him and reached a hand out to the pool of water that had gathered on the floor. Bubbles began to effervesce all around the room and steam rose from the all the places her hand made contact with the water, Tyler began to thrash around and bellow and the boiling water burned away at his skin. Aislyn sudden took in a sharp intake of breath and as quickly as it started, she sucked the heat back in and left Tyler shuddering on the floor.

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