Chapter 12: Part 2

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In a heartbeat, Aislyn leapt back, arrow knocked into place and poised to shoot at the mass on the bed. Hearing nothing, no movement or any noise, Aislyn ignited the head of the arrow in flame, casting the room in a cold light. Scrutinizing the object on the table, Aislyn suddenly gasped and lurched forward, lowering her arrow.


Aislyn started forward when her foot slipped across the floor. Aiming her arrow down at the ground, the light reflected a dark liquid on the stones; Aislyn followed the trail of blood which led up to Misteria's arm, hanging off the edge of the bed.

Aislyn scurried forward, dropping her bow and arrow, yanking the cloak off from around her shoulders to tightly press it against the gaping wound, ravaging her arm.

"Forget it," said a raspy voice, barely louder than a whisper, "I know my future. The end approaches me after I deliver my message to you."

Aislyn swept a hand out and set alight to the floor, the fire burning noiselessly and without heat, chasing the shadows out into the corridor behind her.

"You told me that you can't see your own future so don't give me that bullshit," She scoffed, fussing over the wound.

"Azure, look at my arm. The blood is long dried, I've lost too much and I can feel the life draining out of me. When I look into the future, anyone's, not just mind, all I see is blackness."

"I can get you to someone that can heal you, it's not-"

"Azure," interrupted Misteria, "Let me speak before it's too late."

Aislyn held Misteria's gaze for a long while before she loosened her grip on the cloak she had pressed against her arm, letting it drop slowly to the floor.

"Tell me."

"You never allowed me to tell you your future before but I can tell you that it has not changed."

Drawing in a deep breath, Misteria closed her eyes and even though Aislyn's didn't stray from her pale ashen face, she could've sworn that her flames flickered in fear.

"When your body and mind become numb,

You will need to succumb

To your fire raging,



The Necromancer will fall,

But that, least of your troubles is all.

Only you have the power to defeat,

Through a road of deceit.

When a heart stops still,

His blood spill.

For you, time will stop, whilst for others in waves, it rolls.

And Death will gain two souls."

Misteria opened her eyes and Aislyn could see her masked figure reflected in the stormy grey of her eyes.

Aislyn braced a shaky hand against the metal table and roughly yanked her mask from her face.

"S-so, what you're saying is that I'm going to die... Misteria?"

Hearing no sound of response, Aislyn shook her shoulder, quickly moving her fingers up to her neck at receiving no response.

No pulse.

Unsure as what to do with herself, Aislyn brought her hands up to her head and bracing it tightly.

"Damn it!" She growled and slammed her fist into the wall.

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