Chapter 3

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I sat in class, I was a little earlier then the rest. I was supposed to be meeting the principal, but he's a dick. So, I chose to skip it. Nice way to start the school year, right?

Anyway, as the other students file in, I pull off one cup half off of my ear. I don't want to listen to them, but I want to hear when the teacher come in. I lean back in my chair, the front legs coming up as I place my legs on the desk. My legs crossed and my arms crossed over my chest, I bring my head back til it's leaning back.

I hear the doors open again, as curious as I am. I turn to look who it is. My interest peak as I see Chloe and Aubrey walk in. They sit in a couple seats over from me.

I glance at Chloe and give her a small smirk. Then I look at Aubrey and give her a tight lipped smile, with a curt head nod. I don't know if she changed over the years. But as far as I know, I don't like her. But I will tolerate her, only until she messes up.

The teacher walked in just as the bell was ringing. I pull out my notebook with a huff. I might not like school, but I sure as hell not failing. I'm actually pretty intelligent, but I just don't care for showing it. And I got an aim out for my dad, I want him to think I'm not smart enough. Little do he know.

We were about 15 minutes into the class, when suddenly Chase and Jesse burst in. I still had one cup over my ear, but I could hear what was going on. And mind you, I am short, so I wouldn't be easily seen.

"Boys, why are you so late to my class?" Mrs. Finley asked with raise eyebrows. Chase and Jesse looked around, probably for me. And sighed.

"Dude, Beca's with the principal remember? For the meeting? It's okay." I heard Jesse whisper to Chase with a nudge.

Chase huffed before replying, "Well you see, there was a problem at the elementary. We had to take care of it before Bec-" He stopped halfway, I could tell the exact moment that he realized I was in the room.

"Haha, Beca what are you doing here?" He asked me while nervously chuckling. Bringing his hand up behind his neck to awkwardly rub it.

I keep my eyes trained on them. I see Jesse stiffen at the sound of my name and his wide eyes shot towards mine. "I thought you had a meeting with the principal?" He questioned. But it got interrupted by the teacher clearing her throat.

"If you guys are done interrupting, I asked why are you late?" She once again ask. It's really starting to get me peeved that they're delaying their response. Because they said the elementary, meaning my kids.

"Yes, why are you late? What was going on at the elementary?" This time I ask. I have that same threatening calm tone. I drop my legs down, as I lean forward. I know for a fact that this stance makes me look more serious.

"Well, you see, their was a group of older teens there. They were causing trouble, we settled it." Jesse hesitated, I could see it in his eyes, he's not saying the whole truth.

"Why were you at the elementary? You know what? Forget it, go sit down and try to catch up." She shooed them away. They hesitantly took their seats by me. Probably afraid of my glare I'm giving them.

"Speak now. What exactly happened?" I demanded, I'm not going to take chances on not knowing.

"Um, Daniel and his crew was messing around with the little kids that's all." I look at the way Jesse's hand twitch on the table. Like he want to run his hand through his hair, but that'll give him away. Too late.

"What are you not telling me?" I look from both of them pointedly. I sigh, trying to control my nerves. "Did they touch them?" I ask firmly.

"Well, before you go all hulk for no reason, just no that we handled it." Chase tries to explain. Tries is the key word, he stuttered most of the sentence.

"That's not what I asked. I asked if he touch any of them. Did he interact with any of them?" I say a little more louder and authoritative. A couple of people turn to look at the commotion.

"Ok! Yes! He came up to Bryson. He was just picking fun with him. Bryson didn't like it, saying he was going to be late and how you wouldn't like that. Daniel thought it would be a great idea to mess with him some more after learning his connection to you." Chase anxiously explained.

My jaws was clenched. My knuckles as white as paper, the way I have them balled up so tight. I'm sure my eyes just have to be blazing with fire by now, by how all I could see it red. I face forward, staring blankly at the board.

"What happened next?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Junie happened. Man I tell you that little boy is so brave. He is like a tiny Andrew. He stepped in front of Bryce and asked 'problem?' while staring straight into Daniel's eyes. Then Daniel's little side bitch Spencer was about to respond. But Junie raised his hand up, in a silencing way, eyes still trained on Daniel as he said, 'Im not talking to you, I asked him if he had a problem with my little bro.' I swear I saw mini Andrew." Jesse stopped to take in a quick breath.

"And then I guess that set Daniel off because he went to raise his hand at Junie. But out of no where, Lexie came, in all of her mini Stacie self. She actually strutted over, kicked Daniel in the balls. Daniel feel to his knees. Then Bailee came to join the fun. While Daniel was on his knees, she came and punched him right in the nose." Chase finished Jesse's speech for him.

"Aaaannnnddd then Bailee bent down, and whispered in the most Beca voice I've ever heard. "If you ever mess with my brother, raise you hand at my other little brother, or even look at Lexie the wrong way. I won't only call my sister to destroy you. I'll help her with it." I'm telling you it was like a small version of the gang now. But then Daniel's gang came over like they were going to beat them up." I can see a fleeting flash of anger in Jesse's eyes. But he continues. "That's when me and Chase came along. We didn't see everything that happened, Bryson told us the beginning half."

"But we seen the part from when Lexie kicked him, and Bailee punched him. We just watched, making sure nothing else happened." Chase once again jump in. "We beat the crap out of the gang, until they left. Barely a scratch on us. And then we rushed here, after walking each of them to their class of course." He finishes, kinda bragging about the first.

Through out the whole story, I just sit in nod. My teeth grinding as I take in every detail. "Is that all?" I breath out.

Once again with that damn hesitation! I'm about done with this, I need to know if they hurt them or not!

"I ASKED IS THAT IT?!" I seeth out. I know my commanding voice is loud and I basically attracted a lot of attention. But right now I don't care.

"No, before he left. Daniel threatened them to their faces. He didn't get to into the threat, because I bunched him again. But he got all in their faces, saying something about, "Next time I'm going to hurt you so bad, even your sister will feel it." Or something like that. I wasn't really listening, mainly punching." Jesse quietly says, shying away from the on looking stares.

Me on the other hand, stands up slowly. Pack my book bag up. Slide it over my shoulder, while pushing my chair in.

"Where do you think you going Mitchell?" Mrs. Finley ask. I'm so not in the mood for proper answers.

"To pray, you see my religion is very important to me. It's important to ask for you know, forgiveness, blessings, saviors, and mercy. And I'm about to be asking for a lot of forgiveness. While making someone else ask for mercy. Thank you." I finish while at the door.

I turn back around and look at my two gang members. "I'll see you later! Might go talk to Andrew and Stacie. Bye class, it's been a good time here, until next time!" I say as I leave, waving a good bye.

This other gang is bout to be asking for plenty of mercy. They don't know what that just started. But I'm surely going to finish it.

At that moment I hear, "Beca Mitchell to the principal's office. I repeat, Beca Mitchell to the principal's office."

Guess I'm going to be in even more trouble after this. Oh well! I'll go see what he want when I get back.

Right now, I'm about to go make someone's life a living hell.

Then I'm going to wait til after school to pick up the kids. Might go get some ice cream, I will not rest until I know their safe inside. Safe with me.

Word count (1614)

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