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Another day, another problem. That should be my life's motto.

Today is Wednesday, bright and shiny Wednesday. I usually like Wednesdays, love them actually. I don't know why. Maybe because it's directly in the middle of beginning and the ending of the week.

Maybe because it used to be family fun day. When Mom was around, Wednesdays and Sundays were her only off days. Maybe that was the case, the anticipation of spending the whole day with her. God, I miss that more than anything.

But today doesn't look like this Wednesday will be my favorite. Started off with me waking up at three a.m, from one of the worst nightmares yet. Of course, I have plenty of nightmares, that are just down right traumatising. But this one, this one was horrific.

After that, I go through my morning run, as usual. But today, on the run, this car seemed to come out of nowhere, resulting in me jumping near the curve. Unfortunately, the outcome was a nasty bruise on my hip. It's huge, and hurts like a BITCH! Not that I'm going to let it show.

But no that's not all. Since I'm teaching the BB kids, chores and responsibilities. I let them do the laundry, can you guess where that led? Well if you haven't, all of my white clothes are pink. And some of my regular clothes shrunk. Heaves a sigh, guess I'm going shopping. But that means, I'm limited on clothes now.

Shall I go on? Because that's surely not the end.

Let's go on, well, the coffee maker broke. And honestly, I don't even know, how I'm still alive right now. So, I simply go get the kids up for school. I'm thinking about skipping, but I won't tell them that. They'll chew my head off.

I'm not in the mood to talk. But I can't simply ignore them, they're not good with my moods. When I get too quiet they feel like I don't want them around. That I don't care for them anymore. That'll never happen on my part, but that's how it happens with everyone else they've been around.

And with that thought, my mood went ten times darker.

So now, I'm walking to Bailee's room first. Going in and shaking her awake. She stirs a bit, but lay back down. Huffing, I shake her a little harder than before. That gets her jolting up.

"Come on, time to get up for school." I decided to sign, not wanting them to know how bad my mood is.

The little twerp groaned out a "fine". But then she paused and looked at my face intensely. Almost like she's examining it.

"Why are you signing, instead of talking? I know you normally do that around other people. But when it's just Bryce and me, you usually talk."

Why must she make me explain this?!

Because she's your little sister. She gets that observant shit from you.

You really aren't any help are you?

Nope, but if you'd like me to get the others. I'd gladly let them talk to you all of the time.

NO! I'll much rather have you, than the others. You're no help, but you're more reasonable.

Good. Like I'll get them anyway. I wouldn't do that to you, that's just cruel. We don't get along most of the time, but I wouldn't do that to my worst enemies.

At this point Bailee starts to wave her hand in my face. "Becs, stop talking to yourself. You seem a little out of it, did you have a nightmare?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, it isn't a big deal though. I'm okay, It's over. But that's not important, what is, is you going to school." I reach over to her, and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Then give her a hug.

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