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My mind is literally racing right now. It's like trying to have a competition with my heart, on which one can move faster. I have no idea which is winning.

And the reason being, I'm currently sitting next to Beca. Yeah, yeah. Nothing important. But for serious, if you could see my current view, you'd freak out too.

Because, all my mind is telling me to do, is to let out a long 'aaawwwwww'. Big, bad, Beca Mitchell, is sleeping right now. And she looks so peaceful, cute, and cuddly. A big contrast from her usual badass, tough, scary yet hot font.

Her pink, soft looking lips are sightly parted. I can hear soft puffs of air, as she inhale and exhale. Her eyelids are closed, obviously, but I can see her eyeballs moving behind them. It's like she's having an entertaining dream and she's trying to see all of it. And then, they squeeze shut, then relax. I wonder what she's dreaming about.

It's taking so much in me, not to run my fingers through hair. It looks so smooth. Or for me to not trace her delicate looking features.

You're really starting to sound like a stalker. Or creep.

Yeah, I am. But that doesn't stop me from, continuing roaming my eyes over her face. I look from the soft strands of hair that fall upon her face. Straining not to tuck it behind her ear. Then they move to her eyebrows, that's sculptured perfectly. Onto her long eyelashes. Then, her cute pointy nose. Following down to plump, smooth, pink lips. I look at her rosy red cheeks, her cheekbones are still sharp but relaxed. Down to her very sharp jawline. That's more defined, now that she's tilting her head upwards.

From that angle, there's a tattoo, I can see. The tattoo is a single rose, with words forming it. The words say 'still I rise'. The tattoo start from the underside of her jaw, down her pulse point and neck. It's kind of risen, like it's covering a scar. But you wouldn't notice, if you weren't sitting this close to her.

Beca's known for having tattoos. People don't know how many or where most if them are. Only the ones that's visible, which isn't a lot of the time. Her clothes cover most of her body.

That's another thing, she's always wearing long sleeve shirts or jackets. You'd be worried that she's cutting, but the amount of times that she has rolled up her sleeves says it's nothing on her wrist at least.

Boys and even girls, likes to make rumors about being able to see the secret tattoos. They like to say what types of designs are where, and how far it goes. If you know what I mean.

But I call bluff. I don't think any of them has gotten further then looking at Beca. And if she was to find out these rumors are getting spread, they'll all be afraid.

No one actually knows Beca's sexuality. She doesn't date or even sleep around. Whenever anyone ask her out, she rejects them. Both genders, so that's no hint. And she sometimes tease people by winking or doing something sexual, to confuse once again if she likes girls or boys. Maybe she's bi.

As I finish, with eyeing that tattoo, I look at the beginnings of two more. One I can see is peaking from her collar bone. It's yellow flower petals, maybe a sunflower. And that's all I see from there. The other one, all I can see is vines, like multiple flowers.

I'm snapped out of my stalkery when Beca moves. She hugs the bag that's on her lap closer. Just remembering, when those arms were around me. It was embarrassing, yes. But did it feel right? Also, yes.

To think about it, I didn't know Beca wore such big belts. When I fell on her, I could feel, what I think was her belt buckle.

Anyways, thinking about that brought on the thoughts of how, sweet she is. It was so nice of her to carry my books around for be like that. I unconsciously smile.

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