Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV

After Aubrey and I talked in the hall, we decided to go to class. I seen Beca was in my class, which I'm thrilled about.

She looked up at me and smirked, like usual. It's kind of her normal playful demeanor towards me. But then she looked at Aubrey, and her playful demeanor turn rigid. She gave her a tight lipped smile, just to be polite.

I don't know why those to never get along. It's always been like that, they would be at each other's throats. But Beca tries to be civil, until Aubrey says something. Then her snarky side come out and she certainly don't back down.

Well Aubrey's going to have to suck that feud up. Can't have my best friend hating my future wife.... I mean whaaat? Gotta grow the lady balls to ask her on a date, before I go proposing.

Anyway, we take our seats, a couple chairs away from Beca. Just so I can look at her, close enough for a good view. But far enough for her not to notice. Totes not a stalker, just smart enough not look like a creep.

I pull out my notebook then turned to Aubrey. "And why is it we're sitting all the way back here again?" Aubrey questioned. I expected her to ask.

"Uuhhhh, because Mark and Tony are sitting in the front. These were the only two seats next to each other." I say with what I assume is a convincing tone. I'm not really good at lying, because I always feel guilty. And then I tell on myself. Well only when the matter is not that important, other than that I can keep it to myself.

"Uhuh, or is because Mitchell is back here and you don't want to look like a creep by staring from afar." Spot on, huh, she really do know me. But come on, first guess really?

"Noooo, I told you why." Once again lie.

Before she can say anything the teacher begins class. I start writing the notes, she's writing on the board. About 15 minutes into class, Chase and Jesse comes bursting through the door. Panting.

They look around, like they're looking for something. When they don't see it, they seem to be relieved.

Wonder what they're looking for.

The teacher starts to question them, about where they've been. I'm not really paying attention to them. But what caught my attention is when Chase all of a sudden, freezes.

He's starts to stammer, while staring at something. I turn to see what he was looking at. Guess who it was? Beca Mitchell.

Now what could he have done, to fear what Beca might think? I know Beca only let's a few people into her bubble. That's why I'm happy, that I at least get full sentences from her. She normally don't talk to people, if she does, it's a whisper or a one worded answer.

That being said, the people closes to her gets treated with respect. She rarely gets mad at them, from what I hear. So, why would they be afraid?

I decide to tune back in. The boys explaining, something about helping some kids at the elementary. Why would they be there? And why would they care, about what's going on there? I didn't know either had younger siblings.

When I turn back to see Beca. Her legs are off the table, and she's leaning forward on the desk. She looks intimidating. She also questions them. Why do she care?

GUSH, what's up with the elementary?! I'm so lost right now. Do any of them even have siblings?! Maybe it's a code word for the gang. Yeah, maybe that's it.

The teacher dismisses them, telling them to sit down. Me, being me. AKA nosy. I try to hear what they're talking about. All I hear is bits and pieces of the conversation. Like, 'are they hurt.', 'did he touch them', 'punch', 'handled it.'.

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