Chapter 5

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Chloe's POV

I'm now in third hour. I'm in my biology class now. I actually love this class, the teacher is absolutely brilliant! She's so nice! And she's young, so she gets us most of the time.

Even though I'm in my, what I already now, is probably my second favorite class. I still have this dull feeling in my stomach, I know it's from my worry for Beca. I don't know if she's coming back to school, or if she's in trouble already. But I know she haven't came back, yet. And me not know if she's okay, it really bothers me.

In this class, I have, Ashley and Jessica with me. They're on the Bella's too. They're pretty cool, and great assets to the group.

We were talking, about what to expect in the Bella's this year. In between the lessons, of course. I was eager, but I'm too much of a goody- two -shoe, to actually ignore a lesson. Ms. Toney, always make sure it's interesting. That's what I like about this class.

We continue with the class, until the bell rings. I packed up my backpack quickly, it's my lunch hour. And I'm excited for three reasons.

One: All of my friends are there!

Two: I can see if Beca is back.

And three!: FOOOOOOD!!

Like who wouldn't get excited for food? Food helps all worries go away.

So, after I basically run towards the cafeteria. I spot my friends.

There was, Aubrey, Jessica, Ashley, Denise, and some other girls that weren't in the group. We still had to do auditions, so that's why it isn't so many girls in the group.

While walking towards them, I say a quick hi. Drop my stuff. Smile at them. Then promptly, walked over to the food line. No talking unless I eat. That should be a rule now.

Lunch, is a mix of healthy and unhealthy. I get the veggie plate, since I'm a vegetarian. Cheese nachos, dessert, then I buy myself a cookie and apple juice.

As I go to sit down, the lunchroom doors burst open. In comes, Beca, Stacie, and Andrew. Bags of Taco Bell in their hands and mouths. Who are they feeding? With that much food, it could feed half the lunchroom.

They look somewhat sheepish, well Beca does only for a second. She simply shrugs, then walk over to her table. I can see she's holding more than just Taco Bell bags.

She starts to pass around the bags to her gang. After looking inside of the bag, probably checking orders. The table occupants looks, pleasantly surprised. Awwww, she surprised them with food, she's a good friend. Where's my friends like that? Nah, I can't complain, my friends are awesome too.

Finally, they all get settled, and start joking around while eating. I decide it's time to stop staring at them, and sit at my own table. So I trudge over there with my tray, and plop straight down.

"Soooo, now that I have food, I can talk to you guys. How's y'all first day going so far?" I ask while smiling at each of them.

"Of course, you couldn't talk without your food. And really, Chloe? You really needed all of that?" Aubrey asked, one eyebrow up in a foax disappointed look.

I dramatically gasp, "ARE YOU CALL ME FAT?"

"Oh no, I'm not calling you fat. I'm questioning your life choices. Mainly your eating habits." She says seriously, but then we both burst into laughter. No matter how strict she may seem, Aubrey can joke around. And she gets me, that's why she's my best friend.

"Ok, before I got rudely interrupted *cough* by being called fat *cough*, I asked how's everyone's day so far?" I had to ask yet again. It seems like, everyone's mind wandered after Aubrey interrupted.

Before anyone could answer, we once again get interrupted. Seriously, what's up with today? Is it national interrupt a conversation day?

But when I turn around, I'm gladly welcoming this interruption. Because standings behind us, is Jesse, Stacie, Andrew, and behind them is Beca. Alongside is Eric and Chase. Beca was farther behind the rest of the gang.

I cast a curious look at Beca. She just shrugs and gives me a small smirk. She gestures to the front of gang. I follow, and I can see the rest of the gang holding something in their hands.

"How may we help you all?" Aubrey ask, sitting up straight and folding her arms over her chest.

Stacie steps up and begins speaking, "Well, to make this not sound weird. I just want to say we've brought something for you. Well the group in whole. Here." Stacie gestures for the group to put the stuff on the table in front of us.

From the looks of it. It looks like tons of different smoothies, veggie chips, granolas and more healthy stuff.

"What's all this for?" Jessica's the one to ask this time.

"Well, um, while we were getting Taco Bell, uh. Beca here decided to stop at Vic's veggie market. She got some stuff to try out and then she went overboard. And uh, point of the story was, we thought you guys would like some. Since we've seen you eat this kind of stuff at school sometimes." Andrew speaks, his British accent ringing through. I've never really talked to him, but every time I do, I'm happy to hear his accent. He looks nervous though. He keeps casting glances at Riley.

Riley's a girl that sits at our table, she's one of my friends. Riley is around 5'4. Green eyes and brown hair with burgundy streaks. She's cute, and very extravagant. She likes adventures. I think her and Andrew would make a good couple.

"Awwww, that's so thoughtful. Thanks guys! It means a lot, really." It was really sweet of them to do this. For them to be a gang, they really are thoughtful on not wasting stuff.

"No problem. You guys enjoy, and tell us if they're good. Might consider actually eating that healthy stuff." Jesse says, his boyish grin taken over his whole face.

Throughout this whole encounter, I realized that Beca haven't spoken once. I've noticed that a lot actually. When it's a lot of people, or a new person, or even a person she's not used to. She wouldn't exactly talk to them. It actually looks uncomfortable for her to be around people, she's not used to talking to.

I look over to her, she's glancing around. And she's frigidity. She looks like she wants to get out of this situation fast. Does she not like being around us?

During, my whole observation, both groups had been conversing. I'm brought out of my thoughts, when I realized that the person whose been taking over them is looking at me. I blush then look down, away from her.

I hear a low chuckle. Probably her laughing at me. Even if she is, I wouldn't care. That chuckle was friggin sexy. Like honestly, the hottest thing I've ever heard.

"So, what about you Mitchell? Got anything to say?" I hear Aubrey's voice once again. Why do she do this? Why does she have to start something with Beca, right now?

I see Beca's head snap over to the source of the voice. She gives a questioning glance, then just shakes her head no. She still isn't talking.

"Hm, really? That's a first." And Aubrey continues. Seriously, I love the girl. But she can be so infuriate for absolutely no reason.

"Aubrey! Really? Can't you be civil at all? She haven't even done anything to you. She thought about bringing us this stuff, and what you do is choose to be rude? Come on." I scold my best friend.

She immediately gives a guilty and apologetic expression. "You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started anything. Thank you for this stuff." She half's attempt at being civil. Good enough.

Beca's tensed, but she just nods. She gave in a blank face. Then she looks at me, sends a smile half smile, then turns on her heels. I watch as she snaps her fingers, the gang stands at alert. They send a final bye, then follow their leader.

Well, that was eventful. I'm going to have to talk to Aubrey. She keeps being this judgemental bully for no reason. I don't like bullies, I don't like bullying, and I certainly don't like the after effects bullying have on people.

After lunch, the rest of my classes go by in a blur. Turns out most of my classes are with Beca. She didn't turn up in most. I don't understand it. But that's not my business. Hopefully soon, I'm going to make it my business. I just want to get closer to her. Even if it's as a friend.


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