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After eating, we head to school. Looking in the rearview mirror, I see that Bryson still looks a little shaken up. I know he said he forgave me, but I still have this terrible feeling of guilt in my gut. I know just how to make it up to him, and it'll be fun with Bailee too.

I'll make it up after school, when we run errands.

I pull in front of their school, and step out along with them. Before they go in, I pull them back, to stand in front of me.

"Ok, after school we're going somewhere. So be prepared for that, also be good in school." I then turn to Bryson. "Again, I'm sorry. I can tell you're still shaken up. But I want you to know, I'm not them, I'm not going to torment you like that. It was meant as a joke, but it back fired, don't let that mess up your whole day, please?" I sign.

He nods, while looking down.

I take his chin in my hand, and made him look up at me. "Smile, please. Or I'm going to feel bad the whole day." I say that out loud.

He looks at me and smiles brightly. "I'm not going to let it effect me, promise. Now you have to promise, no fighting." He says giving me a pointed look.

Bailee nods, and adds on, "no skipping, go to all of your classes." They both go and forth telling me my do's and don'ts of school. And I'm just trying to hold in my laughs, and remain serious, because this is 'very serious Becs, school is very important.' gag.

"Alright, alright, I promise, I'm going to be good at school." I say giving a salute and wink. "Now you two, go follow your own rules and be good."

"Now, go. Be good at school, don't get into trouble." Bailee scolds, playfully. While pushing me towards the car.

I pretend like my legs won't move. Grunting and jokingly falling over. Bryce gets in the fun, by pushing me too. They're both chanting 'go!' over and over. I finally give in with a defeat sigh.

"Fiiiinnnneee. I'm going, I'm going. But first, where's my hugs?" They giggle and jump on me. Hugging me tightly. As they release me, I notice Bailee has chocolate on her face. I kneel in front of her and wet my thumb in my mouth. And wipe her face.

She squirms around, and tries to get out of my reach. "Becaaaaa." She whines. " You're embarrassing me, I'm too old for that." She huffs.

I chuckle, "Alright, I'm all done."

The school bell rings and they rush off to the doors. "Bye! Love you!" They yell in unison.

"Love you, too." I say back.

I look around one last time, and notice all the parents were watching. They have fond smiles on their faces. Some of the women look awestrucked. While the men looks amused. Some are quietly chuckling. And a group of pregnant women looked teary eyed. Hormones. Ugh.

And that's all weird. Like, don't they have business to mind? Their stares are making me uncomfortable. I shift awkwardly, and hop back in my truck. And speed off.

Personal hell, here I come!!!!


The first person I see, as I pull in the parking lot is, Ryan? Isn't he supposed to be at uni? He's running, from what looks like Sophia. The group were all laughing their butts off. I pull into a parking spot, right next to Stacie's car. Grabbing my laptop bag and my bookbag, I start walking towards the group.

"What's going on?" I sign, I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of Sophia yanking at Ryan's ear, while yelling in it.

"Ryan had convinced Sophia's crush that, Sophia and Ryan are dating. Now she's on a rampage about not getting the chance of getting asked out by him." Jesse answered.

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